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qq published in(发表于) 2015/6/9 6:42:12 Edit(编辑)
Survey: most people in China drives the app, the Philippines favorite “off camera“

Survey: most people in China drives the app, the Philippines favorite “off camera“

Survey: most people in China drives the app, the Philippines favorite "off camera"-driving app, camera-IT information

Don't let inappropriate behavior could have been avoided in the traffic safety hazard. Published on June 2, a survey commissioned by the Ford Motor Company: 59% of Chinese car owners there is a micro-safe through the start-up process, 31% of the self-timer, 36% owner of the refreshed during dangerous behaviours of micro-blogging. The data in the Asia-Pacific region at the top.

Survey shows that drivers distracted driving is prevalent in the Asia Pacific region, a considerable number of drivers admitted to driving during send and receive text messages, eat, drink, use social media or even self-portraits. Survey results show that while driving is also very common to see social media.

In China, there are 59% and 36% of respondents admitted in view while driving the app or refreshing Twitter. In the Philippines, 48% per cent of respondents indicated that they had been logged on Facebook at the wheel, Thailand and Australia is the ratio of 45% and 16%, respectively. In India, 27% of respondents admitted to using various social media applications at the wheel. Surveys also showed that motorists in the Philippines favorite "off camera", there are approximately 42% of those surveyed admitted to camera at the wheel. China and Thailand followed, 31% and 30% respectively of the respondents admitted to similar behavior. India and Australia, this ratio is 23% and 7% respectively.

Except self-timer and using social media zhiwai, different national of driving who also will for other some different of factors in drive process in the distracted-in Thailand, 47% of by visit who admitted will in drive Shi view LINE or other rates communications tool; in India, 56% of by visit who will in drive Shi call or received listening to phone, 40% will side drive side eat things or drink beverage, 55% will manual regulation music play device.

In response, Ford Asia-Pacific sustainable development, environment and safety engineering Director Pete Hardigan said, "we have developed effective techniques to help drivers achieve while driving using mobile phones and other electronic equipment needs while improving road safety. ”

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Distracted driving is undesirable

Please concentrate on driving, don't let inappropriate behaviors become safety hazards.

We live in a city already blocked, which many of them blocking is artificial. For example, finally has turned a green light to a red light, the car didn't move in front, behind the Horn, the car in front to put down the phone, gear starts to leave. If caught short at the traffic lights, a green light is only available through a phone person, that person is me, is you. Or, watching the road ahead is not traffic jam, but the speed is to lift it, more than you'll find from the side, the guy is playing with phone ... ...

It is said that these inappropriate behaviors are child's play, at most, which is on the edge, no big deal. Do you want to have not to be small and evil thoughts. Data of the Ministry of public security traffic management Bureau, said the number of deaths caused by traffic accidents in China each year around 100,000, the figure does not cover him. Wish every driver from yourself, don't let yourself distract clogging for the city.

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