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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/26 7:54:00 Edit(编辑)
Here Nokia maps a new design, more powerful,

Here Nokia maps a new design, more powerful,

Here Nokia maps a new design, more powerful-HERE map, Nokia maps, Nokia-IT news Here Nokia maps a new design, more powerful

Here Nokia has recently upgraded Nokia maps, map after a new design. In order to create easier to view maps, Here the team has enabled a new color, not only more aesthetically pleasing, you can better identify roads, landmarks and highways.

Roads were better defined, Nokia define different widths of roads, main roads, freeways, highways identified priority higher than some of the more common path. Mountain, Valley by adding texture to be differentiated. Currently only applies to the Web version of the map Here.

Here's the video demo: (via: Neowin)

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