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published in(发表于) 2016/8/31 12:22:14 Edit(编辑)
Girls studying in United Kingdom QQ theft, parents were tricked by cold calling 520,000 yuan,

Girls studying in United Kingdom QQ theft, parents were tricked by cold calling 520,000 yuan,(女孩留学英国QQ被盗,家长被陌生电话骗走52万元,)



Girls studying in United Kingdom QQ theft, parents were tricked by cold calling 520,000 yuan-Telecom fraud, QQ-IT information

Recently the media has been focusing on telecommunications fraud in the opening quarter, the fraudsters are rampant not only aim at domestic students, exchange students will also hand out. Zhoucun district Zibo word of Mr Liu and his wife a liar, deceived 520,000 yuan!

According to the people's livelihood through train reported, Zibo, according to members of the public, Mr LIU: August 24 12:15, himself received a strange phone call, saying it was her daughter's classmates came, said her daughter was washing clothes when I accidentally dropped my cell phone into the washing machine, phone will not open, waiting on the QQ Mr Liu.

QQ screen over a "Dad" cried, said his phone was dropped into the washing machine. Mr Liu's daughter in more than 20 days ago to United Kingdom to study, he and his wife are worrying, the learned that their daughter will come to when Dad was more worried. Liu told reporters: "the girl said, back to China two days ago, a professor asked me to give somebody else a certain amount of money, they turned, his father is ill, needs to operate on the money. I give people forgot that I kind of regret it. "But now it's too late, because she is now in a foreign country, the banking system upgrade, got two days to do for people.

, The daughter sent to a professor's name and phone number, let dad and family ties. Liu is also quite worried, a call in the past. Professor telephone there is a southern accent, said his father money, such as surgery, later will be too late. Liu also wants to give his daughter a phone will confirm, but because in a hurry, do not dial the local area code, so I never got through. QQ the "daughter" seems to be more worried, and proposes a solution. Under telephone that said "father from before you call people back at home."

Mr LAU did not think was Professor of huge amount of money. "My daughter was said to be £ 60,000, equivalent to 520,006, I will call Professor Liu in order to verify and I how much money, said Professor Liu, he and my daughter are the same. "Requested the meeting so than money, Liu began to question each other's identity, his daughters say their shop name in the QQ, but my daughter did not answer directly. Just say: "things were not done as I did not sleep at night, I trapped dying will test tomorrow, bored to death. "Is the QQ on line, Liu heart soft down.

Given that this is a life-saving money, then Liu 520,000 cash in accordance with the provision of bank card number sent in the past. But until her daughter on the phone, Mr Liu and his wife know his daughter not bad on the phone, called Professor's daughter and is nothing but a fraud ring, step by step set set to lure their money. Daughter says she is accidentally opened a mailbox link in a foreign country, causing QQ number stolen information. Mr LAU also wanted to use his own experiences to our students and their parents a heads up: QQ theft is widespread now, must speak to children to verify, I am a profound lesson, once again I remind parents and children to school in a foreign country, you must remember, don't make my mistake.

女孩留学英国QQ被盗,家长被陌生电话骗走52万元 - 电信诈骗,QQ - IT资讯







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