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published in(发表于) 2016/8/15 14:06:09 Edit(编辑)
CCTV: PayPal app sweep of 12 trillion yuan each year, how much you contribute,

CCTV: PayPal app sweep of 12 trillion yuan each year, how much you contribute,(央视:支付宝微信每年扫出12万亿元,你贡献多少,)



CCTV: PayPal app sweep of 12 trillion yuan each year, how much do you contribute-PayPal, micro-payment-IT information

China's cash-free era really come? Roadside fruit pancakes with micro-payments ... China mobile payment market transaction volume this year will exceed 12 trillion by 2018 is expected to more than 18 trillion yuan, is expected to remain in the rapid growth over a long period of time. Fighting Internet companies in the mobile payments market is in full swing, traditional financial institutions have begun to force. In recent days, ICBC issued QR payment products, dxn mobile payment battle.

Not your wallet! The "cashless" becomes popular

After the small yan from Shandong, fresh graduate, two days in Beijing check out procedures, the way talk about Beijing's friends. Came to the agreement of the Café, in addition to the outside of a cell phone, small leap didn't take anything else.

Business: you have ordered a standard cup of hazelnut Latte, a standard cup of vanilla Latte, total consumption is 60.

Yanzihao: can I pay app?

Business: Yes. Your wallet is a credit card payment, and then produce a QR code, in this sweep will do.

Xiao Wang is a friend of Xiao yan, both about the same age, when they chat told reporters that now has little cash going out.

Wang Zi yanzihao friend: living in Beijing, mobile payments accounted for 70% or 80% of daily consumption, cash is now relatively small.

Yanzihao: I'm basically going out with no more than 100 dollars in cash, now only 10 dollars cash, get a phone feels quite at ease.

In that small leap after the afternoon train back to Shandong, Wang offered to drive him to the train station. In a shopping mall's underground parking lot, pay parking fees, nor in need of cash. Through this quick pay machines, just type, you can choose a variety of mobile payment, the entire process of no more than 1 minute. Before going to the station, Wang yan came into the hotel together, with small check. Compared with others, either in cash or bank card processing, scanning code: pay was done by Xiao yan soon check out.

Hotel staff: this is a two-dimensional code, I'll give you a print out, you can scan directly paid, very convenient. Good. And this is the QR code, you scan, scan once you sign this statement.

The "cashless" lifestyle is becoming more and more choice. According to a consulting firm statistics: by the end of August this year, China has reached 358 million mobile payment users, which, after students and young professionals constitute a force of 23-29.

78% per cent of respondents indicated that they had used mobile payments to buy clothes; 71% of respondents indicated that they would use mobile payment order takeout or pay at the restaurant; 77% of those surveyed said by micro-letter or PayPal processing bills; 50% people use cell phones to plan and pay for the trip.

Line bottom with businesses competing mobile payment market

Now, whether in the ultra-large-scale or the shop in the alley, and micro-payments, PayPal, Apple Pay figure. In many people's cell phones, also is likely to have more than one mobile payment software. Then you can choose which one to pay for it?

Recently, a number of consumers discovered that using the app to scan code after payment or PayPal, will receive varying amounts of discount.

Reporter: you just pay discount?

Customer: Yes, these days seems to have an award amount of this, I just eat took 186 Yuan, reward more than 3.

Consumers: today I pay by Alipay to buy tea and also give me a discount.

On August 8, the micro-joint payment of 700,000 stores nationwide and more than 40 banks, "cashless" promotions. Prior to this, PayPal on July 20, also launched a 100-day "every State reduction" activities. Competition in the mobile payments market is moving toward ecological enclosure. In April this year, micro-payment team announced the launch of "spark program", marketing plans to invest 100 million Yuan funds fully supported platform for service providers.

Tencent micro-payment product operations director Liu Peng: we may also consider the TOB market in the future, such as considerations of agricultural, industrial, innovation and application of scene.

Meanwhile, Ant gold service also announced that over the next three years, to invest 1 billion yuan in cash, at least for enabling millions of developers and millions of small and medium businesses and institutions.

Ant-gold suit opening song Jie, head of the platform: Ant gold clothing next, by way of open platforms, all of us, whether financial, security, risk, data capacity, to be open to everyone.

Fighting Internet companies in the mobile payments market is in full swing, traditional financial institutions have begun to force. On July 15, ICBC issued QR payment products, dxn mobile payment battle.

ICBC Peony card Center Deputy President II dimension code engineering head Wang Doufu: ICBC launched this II dimension code of products, makes we and General of small merchant established has a directly of contact, future we through big data of analysis, to master and understand these general merchant of production business of situation, it of cash flow to for we future for these General of Merchant provides credit financing of support, built has a good of data based, solution small micro-enterprise financing difficult.

According to an advisory body predicted that mobile payments market transaction volume this year will exceed 12 trillion yuan, by 2018 is expected to be more than 18 trillion yuan, is expected to remain for a long time after the high growth.

央视:支付宝微信每年扫出12万亿元,你贡献多少 - 支付宝,微信支付 - IT资讯















如今,不管是在大型商超还是巷子里的小铺,随处可见微信支付、支付宝、Apple Pay的身影。而在很多人的手机上,也可能都会有不止一个移动支付的软件。那么,您会选择用哪一个进行支付呢?












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