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published in(发表于) 2016/6/17 11:25:47 Edit(编辑)
Hide scale campus credits, “swimming naked“ college students,

Hide scale campus credits, “swimming naked“ college students,(藏垢的校园贷,“裸泳”的大学生,)



Hide scale campus credits, "swimming naked" student-College student campus loans-IT information

Thousands of "loans" rolling version of "arrears" when many college students found themselves in the "swimming naked" is tragic, it was photographed topless before.

Gun crazy lending platform took over various issues on campus, aimed at college students. After one in Zhengzhou "campus credit" dispute of college student committed suicide by jumping down, triggering great social concern. It's just increasingly popular campus loan "killings" a corner of usury nature of some lending platform for a lot of students into a quagmire.

Apparently "campus credits" for difficult students reduce the economic burden on their families, no accumulation of funds and external support for many young people, take this ride the entrepreneurial ladder is also not a bad idea. However, not every "campus credit" are used properly, and "don't forget the beginner's mind", some beginner's mind is more than that of the platform.

On the reality most afraid of wolves and sheep, later created. "Wolf" sly wit, compared with formal financial institutions extend credit loans, school loan applicants credit, repayment ability, such as the auditing of secretly too loose, and some are even completely useless, because the only way to be slaughtered "Lamb" will take the bait. Chasing after a college student lending, "Chase" their debts not far off.

"The Lamb" is not as highly educated people with higher pay in the workplace, parents provide the full cost of tuition and living costs are almost University student sources have no steady income and lack of risk awareness, they should not become the object of financial institutions to lend, strong consumer demand has wielded in "Wolf" targeting the. Credit card into "broken halberd", the school loans to a new fertile ground for student loan repayments, borrowing and eventually fall into the bottomless pit of robbing Peter to pay Paul.

There is no free lunch. An ID card, a student card, even without a signature, you can credit for tens of thousands of Yuan. A simple game of financial, wealth disparity in the balance of power between the two, while earning big bucks, while black and blue. Campus credit platform with great fanfare to confuse college students ' "spending tomorrow's money, the today's dream", but to his mad money-making malicious lies.

Online lending platform security weaknesses and risks of vulnerabilities to a large extent "campus credits is" chaos added a "wood". Indulging in disguised form even cater to students ' false consumption lending platform is tantamount to push the two sides towards the risk of storms, as students "implicit guarantors" paying parents became final, is also the last line of this dangerous game.

Campus credit platforms have no unified standard, left in the lender audit risk is very high. Earlier, the Ministry of education, the China Banking Regulatory Commission jointly issued the Declaration on strengthening the campus bad debt risk prevention and education work of the notice, but the paper did not have notice of disciplinary force, is weak in front of arrogant egotistical campus credits.

Campus credit mess, not just today. "Campus credits" the well pipe before it is too late now seem to be alarmist. Via the Internet platform was reckless madness of financial innovation for profit, which requires the strong intervention of the supervision and pervasive.

藏垢的校园贷,“裸泳”的大学生 - 大学生,校园贷 - IT资讯










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