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published in(发表于) 2016/8/31 12:22:02 Edit(编辑)
Chinese entrepreneurship team cut dorm washing machine power cord customers, official: misunderstanding

Chinese entrepreneurship team cut dorm washing machine power cord customers, official: misunderstanding(中国某大学生创业团队靠剪宿舍洗衣机电源线获客户,官方:理解有误)



Chinese entrepreneurship team cut dorm washing machine power cord customers, official: understanding error-college student, laundry-IT information

IT information news recently, according to users burst material a students venture project, and currently has financing 10 million Yuan, and cover 1500 by University of laundry brand "House generation wash" in venture early due to missing orders, start-up personnel out flower means get user: in a boys more of University team personnel directly into hostel cut broken public washing machine power line, forced students with the brand clothes generation wash service, and which gradually open has campus market.

From users of feedback Shang view, many of users on this said strongly condemned, relative Yu hostel machine wash, used third party company generation wash service cost certainly will improve, this under of means also was part users compared to fill tire households in road Shang sub nail, according to China police network Anhui station official micro-Bo @ in the police Anhui official micro-Bo of message, according to security management punishment method 49th article, deliberately damaged public-private property of, at 5th above 10th following detention, can and at 500 Yuan following fine.

According to the 22nd article, against acts of public order within 6 months not discovered by the public security organs, not punishment. Guo Chaoyu violations at the end of April this year, according to the law on administrative penalties for public security still needs punishment.

This morning, house cleaning service official micro-blog to reply to this message, we see that the company's CEO said in a statement the company's employees have never done laundry wires are cut, this event is a purely commercial speculation. On this point we can report to the public security organs, the burden of proof, we will cooperate with the relevant authorities for investigation. And reported to the team in the process of reporting in line with the objective facts in the interview process. As a start-up team, experience, experience enough cases, led us to such irresponsible behavior .

If this is only a speculation, so really a candle.

中国某大学生创业团队靠剪宿舍洗衣机电源线获客户,官方:理解有误 - 大学生,洗衣 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 近日,据网友爆料某大学生创业项目、目前已经融资1000万元、覆盖1500所高校的洗衣品牌“宅代洗”在创业初期由于缺少订单,初创人员出奇葩手段获得用户:在一个男生较多的高校团队人员直接进入宿舍剪断公用洗衣机电源线,逼大学生用该品牌衣服代洗服务,并由此逐渐打开了校园市场。

从网友的反馈上来看,不少的网友对此表示强烈谴责,相对于宿舍机洗,采用第三方公司代洗服务成本肯定会提高,这种下作的手段也被部分网友比作补胎户在马路上撒钉子,根据中国警察网安徽站官方微博@中警安徽 官方微博的消息,根据《治安管理处罚法》第四十九条,故意损毁公私财物的,处5日以上10日以下拘留,可以并处500元以下罚款。




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