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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/2/17 8:09:34 Edit(编辑)
Network of small white personality: narcissism, abuse, mental illness

Network of small white personality: narcissism, abuse, mental illness(网络小白的人格特质:自恋、虐待、精神病态,)

Network of small white personality: narcissism, abuse, mental disorder network-white, Internet information troll-IT Network white personality: narcissism, abuse, mental sickness

Active forums or online communities known as "Internet troll (the wiki translation known as the little white)" group, they delight in provoking disputes provoked netizens. White is also of interest to scientists.

According to Canada University of Manitoba Erin Buckels and his colleagues published a recent study (PDF), the little white with so-called Dark Tetrad personality traits: including Machiavelli (willing to manipulate and deceive others), narcissistic, mentally sick (unsympathetic) and abuse (delight in the suffering of others). Researchers used Amazon's Mechanical Turk recruitment of white respondents research network.

In one study, brief survey asked whether they liked nature published White's comments, results show only 5.6% for the little white delights, 41.3% said not participating in an online message. Results indicate that the network is a small white minority. Researchers found little correlation between white and sadistic personality most strongly, suggesting that little white from the suffering of others enjoy the sadistic pleasure, the Internet is their playground.


网络小白的人格特质:自恋、虐待、精神病态 - 网络小白,Internet troll - IT资讯

论坛或网络社区活跃着被称为“Internet troll(维基上的中文翻译叫网络小白)”的群体,他们以挑起争端激怒网友为乐。小白的行为也引起了科学家的兴趣。

根据加拿大Manitoba大学Erin Buckels和同事发表的最新研究报告(PDF),网络小白具有所谓的Dark Tetrad人格特质:包括马基雅维里主义(乐于操纵和欺骗别人)、自恋、精神病态(缺乏同情心)和虐待(以他人痛苦为乐)。研究人员利用亚马逊的Mechanical Turk招募被调查者研究了网络小白行为。



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