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published in(发表于) 2016/8/22 9:47:39 Edit(编辑)
OPPO stores customer service has been playing the bad: see online are fake goods,

OPPO stores customer service has been playing the bad: see online are fake goods,(OPPO专卖店客服已被玩坏:网上看到的图都是山寨货,)



OPPO stores customer service has been playing the bad: see online are fake goods-OPPO, service-IT information

IT information news recently OPPO stores customer service was exposure out its home phone can play watch pioneer, and GTA5, PC masterpiece attract has many people of eye, actually this is due to stores customer service for these game not clear what is which species platform masterpiece due to, General phone user also just figure a fun, from zhiqian of dialogue view, phase more Yu OPPO customer service of level, has users exposure Apple customer service is is compared caution, said "can search to" of game to play to And of course, this is not about the game's case the most reliable answer.

But now, because of the Netizen's joke, this store's customer service was criticized because business is not fine, netizens after trying again to ask the store customer service issue on the phone, the shop customer service stated the following dialogue in the first place, it seems that is the reaction of users responded.

Noteworthy is that among the answers in the customer service, for screenshots of the user before the customer service says are bogus, denied rumors of its from the front.

Judging from OPPO's market position, the main target users who are Han, such as the trend to pay more attention, they're just going to choose a popular use of mobile phones, so answer for customer service, we don't have to care.

Related reading: the customer service really dare to say: OPPO R9/Apple iPhone6s Plus you can play computer games

Circulating on the Internet before the store customer service reply

Apple store customer service reply

OPPO专卖店客服已被玩坏:网上看到的图都是山寨货 - OPPO,客服 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 近日OPPO专卖店客服被曝出其自家手机能玩《守望先锋》、《GTA5》等PC大作吸引了不少人的目光,事实上这也是由于专卖店客服对于这些游戏不清楚究竟是哪种平台大作所致,广大手机用户也只是图一个乐子,从之前的对话来看,相较于OPPO客服的水平,有网友曝光苹果客服则显得比较谨慎,称“能够搜索到”的游戏才能玩到,当然这也是不了解游戏的情况下最靠谱的解答。




相关阅读:《客服真敢说:OPPO R9/苹果iPhone6s Plus可玩电脑游戏》



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