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qq published in(发表于) 2015/6/9 6:41:40 Edit(编辑)
38 network animation is listed “blacklist“: advance of the giant columns,

38 network animation is listed “blacklist“: advance of the giant columns,

38 network animation is listed "blacklist": giant in the column advance-online animation, animation-IT information

China's Ministry of culture in Beijing on 8th published for the first time a network of animation products "blacklist", a group of introduction of anime such as the Tokyo people, the Blood-C and the school record of implied in the column.

Ministry of culture had issued a list of the 23rd issue of illegal Internet cultural activities investigated, related cultural market comprehensive law enforcement agency then given 29 network business unit administrative penalty according to law, closing down 8 illegal anime site.

Among them, the music video network, fashion online, aiqi art, Sohu, Thunderbolt, sites such as Tencent is given a warning, fines and other administrative penalties according to law. "Comic island" and "Sasa cartoon network" 8 websites without permission, engage in Internet culture business activities without authorization or Internet audio-video program services and containing illegal content online animation products being banned.

Meanwhile, the Ministry also announced a number of illegal online animation list. The remnant of Tokyo, and the Blood-C, the school record of implied a number of animation because of irregularities serious enough to be included in the network products "blacklist", no unit or individual may provide.

Ministry of culture culture market Division Deputy Director Liu said, announced "blacklist" of purpose is, a is clear oriented, clearly to showed that government regulatory due of attitude, clear "bottom line" and "red", told social and Enterprise: which anime products is legal of, which is violations of; II is provides guide and service, anime website can according to announced of list active carried out Xia frame work, and can guide anime website of content since trial and anime products of introduced, and specification and guide Enterprise independent business, reduced enterprise operation risk Three credits for the culture market supervisory work experience, published illegal cultural products "blacklist", specific disciplinary measures, is an important part of credit supervision; four to clarify some false reports.

He said Ministry will further strengthen the network in the future market regulation: first, continue to strictly investigate and deal with illegal online animation products, supervise network anime the social responsibility of the business units fulfilled. Second is business units and sound animation network anime "blacklist" system of classification supervision network market, anime to repeatedly check and make business units, will increase penalties in accordance with law, suspension of its network to provide service until revoked its business license; timely disclosure network animation products "blacklist" lawful anime websites stop offering.

Included in the "black list" online animation products

1. the Tokyo residue rings


3. the school record of implied

4. the agent of death

5. of the parasitic beast

6. skeleton man

7. another (stand-in)

8. the hell of Interpol

9. the Afro Samurai

10. the Tokyo ghouls, second quarter

11. the sword Dominion, second quarter

12. the Tokyo ESP

13. the Tokyo dark Raven

14. of the devil may cry

15. the daughters of Mnemosyne

16. the new Devil's contract

17. the advance of the giant

18. the body of the party

19. the passage of blood

20. of the death note

21. the vision of the dead (death row Park)

22. the dating war, second quarter

23. of the psychometric

24. the Devil Lady

25. the day in school (schooldays)

26. those who hunt Elves

27. of the Elfen Lied

28. the highschool (demon University)

29. the flowers messy Samurai girl

30. the beauty of death I h soul! 》

31. girls Hooray, second quarter

32. of the my Fox girlfriend

33. the rogue hero kichiku aesthetics

34. of the Sakura diaries

35. the assassination of the classroom

36. of the fallen 3

37. the sword

38. the vampire League

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