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published in(发表于) 2016/8/19 16:21:42 Edit(编辑)
United States “Janet“ flight frequency to area 51 suspicion: refers to the study of UFOs,

United States “Janet“ flight frequency to area 51 suspicion: refers to the study of UFOs,(美国“珍妮特”航班频繁飞往51区引猜疑:被指研究不明飞行物,)



United States "Janet" flight frequency to area 51 suspicion: refers to the study of unidentified flying objects-UFOs, area 51-IT information

IT information news on August 19, United States Las Vegas McCarran International Airport the mysterious "Janet" have received media attention earlier, but recently, someone to shoot flight recently frequent flights to United States top secret area 51, this move once again raised community concerns about area 51.

Janet flights from the United States Air Force's jurisdiction, AI companies, defense contractors (AECON) is responsible for the operation. McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas, there are a great number of passengers in and out every day, but few people noticed this unmarked plane. It is learnt that the Janet fleet consists of six unmarked Boeing 737-600s aircraft, its red horizontal stripe is visible on both sides, each flight, carrying about 190 passengers, carrying 1200 people a day. But no one knows what these flights per day are people.

Author of the Encounter in Rendlesham Forest Nike·bopu (Nick Pope) has said that some conspiracy theorists believe, area 51 holds crashed UFOs, but our troops are there to test high-tech military equipment, and master the technology from alien. But these arguments there is no evidence to prove it.

美国“珍妮特”航班频繁飞往51区引猜疑:被指研究不明飞行物 - 不明飞行物,51区 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 8月19日消息,美国拉斯维加斯麦卡伦国际机场神秘的“珍妮特”早前曾受到媒体的关注,而近日,有人拍摄到这架航班最近频繁飞往美国绝密的51区,这一举动再次引发社会对51区的关注。


《Encounter in Rendlesham Forest》一书的作者尼克•波普(Nick Pope)曾表示,一些阴谋论者认为,51区存放着被撞毁的不明飞行物,而美军正在那里测试高科技军事装备,并研究掌握那些来自外星的技术。不过这些论断目前还没有证据得以证明。

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