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published in(发表于) 2016/8/19 16:21:08 Edit(编辑)
Forbes released young Chinese favorite brands: generation loves Apple, after 95 love millet,

Forbes released young Chinese favorite brands: generation loves Apple, after 95 love millet,(《福布斯》公布中国年轻人最爱品牌:80后爱苹果,95后爱小米,)



Forbes released young Chinese favorite brands: generation loves Apple, after 95 love millet-Forbes, brand-IT information

About future development, young consumers, especially people of university age is critical.

Forbes Web site reported that in China, the young investor's more unique. China's generation y (born from 1980 to the mid-1990) and z generation (born between mid-1990 and 2000) population, total number and United States population, they will not only earn more money than older people, but also more money than their predecessors. They are flourishing, the Internet and internationalization of Chinese first generation grew up, have not experienced suffering, thrift not parents attention. Key are they who opened the world's largest consumer market .

Famous China Skinny moderator of consumer research communications Lindsay Tanner (Mark Tanner) is to say that young Chinese consumers: "different predecessors, due to the higher levels of education, high urbanization rate, as well as the development of the service industry, they are the most significant income potential crowd. They also can pay better than predecessors. Not only did they live a hard life, but also parents and grandparents and grandparents only heiress of wealth, attitude to life more hassle free. ”

RTG Consulting in Shanghai, Chengdu and Beijing to 4,000 15-32 consumers conducted Street surveys to determine which brands are most welcomed by the crowd. Survey covering clothing, electrical, technology, mobile app, automobile and food and beverage industries. Survey results released in 2016 RTG brand relevant reports.

In generation y, most popular brands including Apple, app, PayPal, Taobao, adidas and Zara, in the younger generation z, is millet, adidas, Nike, UNIQLO, and Zara and converse.

"The importance of these brands have not just products that simple, they will make consumers feel better, make them feel that there is a real change in their lives. "RTG CEO Chen Jie (Angelito Tan) commented that," we believe that these brands have made themselves indispensable, consumers cannot imagine my life without them. ”

Technology and clothing brands doing well and, of course, is the expected thing. Two age groups of ten of the most popular brands, are five come from technology, five from the clothing, the gap just Gen y more interested in science and technology, z generation more interested in clothing.

Contrast between the two age groups of consumers is limited, a distinction that really matters is that brand loyalty, such as Apple's attitude is an example. In Gen, Apple is the most important brand, but in generation z is ranked Nineth, millet and Samsung lie ahead. This is because Apple is no longer cool enough in the eyes of Chinese people, or because they did not unveil a new stunning bright for a long time, it is hard to assert, but either way, they are the world's largest smartphone market will become increasingly easier, it is true.

Another important finding of the RTG, it is micro-technology ecosystems of important position in China. Chen Jie, said Tencent this app is "a reshaped the social conversation, changed consumer behavior of Mobile brand," Tanner said the app has been defined "Web 3.0".

Micro letter has not only Chinese version of Facebook or Twitter, but continued to integrate a variety of functions, and gradually build a core management tool. People can chat, share video and audio, you can also use it to investment, news, blog, cars, transfers, some meals, buy movie tickets, and buy goods from businesses and individuals.

It also shows that the trend of China's new generation of consumers are turning to functional brands, such as travel drops, public comments and examples.

In areas such as technology, electrical products and mobile app, homegrown Chinese brands tend to have certain advantages. To some extent, this is because Gen y and z generations and predecessors, does not think foreign brands have much new, much, but will be treated as an ordinary part of life. They are no longer considered synonymous with made in China is bad, but just in time for the goods quality and marketing improvement emerge more competitive brands of the time.

However, in any case, foreign brands in China still have a strong sense of place, if these young people's tastes to be able to maintain it, the discovery of the investment ... In the Gen y on the top ten list of six foreign brands, generation z is seven. In areas such as food, clothing and cars, Chinese brand barely get into the young man's eye, they remain fond of Pepsi, KFC, Volkswagen and adidas.

Of course, as with other areas of China, dominance of brand and consumer loyalty may also change rapidly. Chen Jie, concluded: "the results of this investigation is a little surprising, there is a generous list of brands we did not expect, and some we thought but not the list. This explained, if the brand does not pay enough attention to market changes, they will face the risk of being removed from the lives of consumers. ”

《福布斯》公布中国年轻人最爱品牌:80后爱苹果,95后爱小米 - 福布斯,品牌 - IT资讯



著名的China Skinny消费者研究通讯的主持者坦纳(Mark Tanner)是这样描述中国的年轻消费者的:“和前辈们不同,由于教育水平更高,城镇化率更高,以及服务业的发展,他们是目前收入潜力最可观的人群。他们也会比前辈更能花钱。他们不但没有过过苦日子,而且还是父母,乃至祖父母和外祖父母财富的唯一继承人,生活的态度份更加轻松自由。”

RTG Consulting在上海、成都和北京对4000位15至32岁的消费者进行了街头调查,以确定哪些品牌最受这一人群的欢迎。调查覆盖了服装、电气、科技、移动app、汽车和餐饮等领域。调查结果发布于2016年RTG品牌相关性报告。


“这些品牌的重要性已经不单单是产品那么简单,它们会让消费者感觉更好,让他们觉得自己的生活有了实实在在的变化。”RTG首席执行官陈杰(Angelito Tan)评论道,“我们相信,这些品牌已经让自己做到了不可或缺,消费者无法想象没有它们的日子。”









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