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published in(发表于) 2016/3/16 6:10:34 Edit(编辑)
Google: who can remote into Chromebook, prize $ 100,000! ,

Google: who can remote into Chromebook, prize $ 100,000! ,(谷歌:谁能远程黑进Chromebook,奖10万美金!,)



Google: who can remote into Chromebook, prize $ 100,000! -Google, Chromebook, hack-IT information

Beijing time on March 16, according to technology website ZDNet reported, Google Chromebook safety is quite seriously. Recently, the company introduced the award, who can remotely over the network to hack their own notebooks, award of 100,000 US dollars.

Google launched a similar scheme last year, but only $ 50,000 bonuses. Hackers need Chromebook visitor patterns into your notebook, this means that the hacker code enter the visitor pattern after a reboot.

In order to support equipment sharing, Chromebook visitor patterns are locked by default, to prevent user information from being tampered with, in addition, to ensure the browser data release. But this $ 50,000 bonus, well, Google announced on Monday that since the award was established last year, no one can successfully get through bonuses.

Members of Google′s security team said: "the most technically-savvy people worthy of reward, so we increased the bonus to 6 digits, the prize available year-round, and there are no quotas, have the ability to break it. ”

Previously, Google had in Pwnium hacking contest gives more bonuses, but there was only one day, not so easy to finish the break.

Last year Google spent more money in such awards can be quite a lot to find security vulnerabilities, the company sub total $ 2 million, but in return is the absolute safety of Chromebook. In addition to Chromebook, Google will also set up awards for its own Web browser, to ensure that Chrome users from malicious URL and malware attacks.

谷歌:谁能远程黑进Chromebook,奖10万美金! - 谷歌,Chromebook,黑客 - IT资讯







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