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published in(发表于) 2016/8/18 8:02:32 Edit(编辑)
PS skilled: the fake currency, typesetting, printing the Almighty, and tragedy,

PS skilled: the fake currency, typesetting, printing the Almighty, and tragedy,(PS技术高超:大学生造假币,排版、印刷全能干,结果悲剧,)



PS skilled: the fake currency, typesetting, printing the Almighty, and tragedy-college students, counterfeit money, PS-IT information

He is a graduate student this year, only 23 years old, and uses its own master PS and typography design 20 denomination fake money templates and using 20 printers print out millions of counterfeit money. He printed fake money has more realistic? According to reports, many distributors in China for his skill and nodded, a sales network has been involved in 15 provinces and 27 cities, even in short supply. Recently, the police brought the case cracked, Zhifu district .

▲ Seized counterfeit package. Police photo

Mysterious package appeared an unknown e-mail address

The manufacture and sale of 20 denominations counterfeit gang has been targeted by the police, from April this year reported a 110-phone said. The public provide clues to the police investigative Department, Zhifu district, Yantai was counterfeit, but also provides trading chat QQ number, cell phone number and other information.

According to the public security police, Yantai does not appear from the cases of counterfeiting currency, and the thread attracted police attention. After initial checks and MO Pai visited, police gradually identified members of the public to provide clues to authenticity.

According to the reporting person's phone number, Yantai, police first visited several large logistics company, discovered that the cell phone number to send and receive delivery records, some mystery, however those courier packages.

"Is sent out in print, has received items such as paper, ink cartridges. "Bureau Economic Investigation Brigade, Zhifu district police said, but the package does not address in detail on some phone virtual phone, some names are pseudonyms, marked on the parcel" himself ", so that shipping courier does not know the recipient's address, each notification recipients to come pick it up.

These mysterious package all the more aroused police suspicion. Now that the address could not be found, then wait. After waiting, the recipient has finally surfaced.

Soon, the police have a suspect Lee's identity and home address, and Lee in the fact that counterfeiting in the rental and sale of counterfeit, according to the police investigation, many of these counterfeit sales to China. However, the police did not try so hard to catch Lee, but long to catch more fish-buying, secondary processing counterfeit dens in one fell swoop.

Counterfeit money are sold by catty, once sold 15 kg

? Fraud device

According to police investigations, crime suspects Lee of counterfeit money by catty sold all over China, which large amount respectively to Lianyungang city, Jiangsu Province, Zhongshan, Yongzhou, Hunan, Guangdong and other places, and some parcels up to 15 kg. It is understood that the counterfeit currency denomination of around 20,000 yuan per kg, Li can fetch up to 800 Yuan.

On May 19, police rushed to Yongzhou, Hunan, Zhifu district, according to clues to the police, there will be a package recently from Yantai to Yongzhou, here is probably a secondary processing of dens.

Police reach Yongzhou, Hunan province will start immediately after work, but the reality is not so easy to imagine, the police investigation lock express and parcel post, name on the package was found to be false, cell phone virtual number and shutdown, an unknown e-mail address, write only to the local people's Hospital.

After a wait, courier finally received a call from the recipients, by notice sent to the destination. But when police and express to start, the phone rang again, and recipients to the door himself. Then police found that, the recipient is in the vicinity, the other has been observed in the vicinity, but fortunately police disguised better.

Through layers of investigation, police finally targeted suspects and identity what Guo, and Kwak May 26 new car listing will be captured on the way. In order to not surprise Lee started in Yantai, police let Guo sent Lee safe receipt of the information.

Guo later in a wardrobe in the House, police found a plastic bag of counterfeit currency, denomination is 20 Yuan, has more than 30,000 yuan. Police also found in the suspects ' home and a stamping press, it is understood that Guo after receipt of counterfeit money, use hot stamping machine for secondary processing, each after gold, iron, and then spread the money.

Faster distribution and sales network covering 27 cities

Hunan Yongzhou police investigations all the way at the same time, another civilian police also rushed to Zhongshan, Guangdong, investigation and evidence collection.

In Zhongshan, Guangdong Province arrested 3 criminal suspects, police found that the suspect received the parcel only 1.5 hours of time, they have a big package counterfeit currency into 31 parcels and put Express has plans to parcel out.

▲, Zhongshan, Guangdong Province arrested two suspects. Police photo

According to police, distributors distributed counterfeit money very quickly, after a simple secondary processing continue to disperse them into the next level, finally reaches the market.

Reporters learned that Lee made the counterfeit money, except by express mail from Yantai, Yantai himself there from out of town, May 25, from Lianyungang, Jiangsu to the two suspects.

According to later police investigation, Yantai, both had to trade for three times, the trading volumes of up to 15 kg. Police through information, Zhifu district judge determined to smoke the suspect vehicle information and transactions. In the completion of their transaction, police followed its Fukuyama toll station, will buy counterfeit captured two suspects.

Lee of counterfeit in Yantai was soon caught.

It is understood that criminal suspects Lee forged a face value of 20 Yuan, the amount of money involved reached 10 million Yuan, and through networks, logistics, such as foreign sales, the sales network involving a total of 15 provinces and 27 cities. Zhifu District Public Security Bureau economic investigation group has sent a police force to Lianyungang city, Jiangsu Province, Zhongshan, Guangdong Province, Hunan Yongzhou, secret deals sale, purchase counterfeit 8 suspects arrested, the successful destruction of manufacturing and selling counterfeit dens 1 and 3 secondary processing dens, counterfeit currency seized more than more than 50,000 sum of more than 1 million Yuan.

Students ' online learning technology, color on their own

? Fraud suspect arrested Li Mou. Police photo

Surprise was forged out of the qianwan20 Yuan Li was a newly graduated College student, Jining, Shandong, who is only 23 years old this year.

It is understood that Lee well versed in PS, graphic design, and after graduating worked at a design company. According to an account of Lee, he played a crooked mind to make money fast on the Internet learn counterfeiting techniques .

Zhihou, Lee purchased a computer and printer equipment, designing your own templates, their version, color, print out a realistic currency.

Lee printed out how realistic are the 20 Yuan counterfeit money? It is understood that many distributors of technology nodded, criminals and even his palette .

When the police arrested Li, accompanied by "Squeaky" voice, his 20 high-end color printer keeps printing. According to police, Li calculated time printed a stack of paper, and designed a number of my mobile alarm clock reminders, print heads, then reminded to print the opposite side.

Police seized counterfeiting equipment in their home 2 computers, printers, 20, paper and some of the counterfeit money. According to Katie, and he through the manufacturing and selling of counterfeit money in illegal profits of more than 300,000 Yuan within three months, in addition, he was 50 Yuan, 100 Yuan counterfeit money printing templates, initial model.

At present, the case is under further investigation.

PS技术高超:大学生造假币,排版、印刷全能干,结果悲剧 - 大学生,假币,PS - IT资讯




































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