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published in(发表于) 2016/8/9 14:19:43 Edit(编辑)
Pick up after Steve jobs, he changed from the nine Apple,

Pick up after Steve jobs, he changed from the nine Apple,(接棒乔布斯后,库克从这九个方面改变了苹果,)



Pick up after Steve jobs, he changed from the nine Apple-Apple Cook jobs-IT information

If you want to rate Apple CEO Tim Cook gets upset, I'm afraid "If jobs, this will not happen" this certainly ranked first. But in fact, Cook, pick up after Steve jobs, Apple are strong, its profits and business vitality are unsurpassable. Here are common to count under Cook Apple changes.

Cook's leadership is absolutely without a doubt

1. Apple's fate by the throat

Cook took over, Apple became more independent, originally living on outsourcing it also began to design their own chips and sensors. In this way, Apple software and hardware experience and designed to achieve a high degree of unity, not dependence. And this concept important to Apple's future.

2. Apple in terms of services and hardware combination

In recent years, points in the service business, Apple blossom, iCloud, and Apple Pay, and AppleCare and App Store revenue has 12% per cent of its total revenues, the sector is growing even faster than the hardware sector.

3. tap the enterprise market

Once upon a time, Apple has always been King in the consumer market, but rarely done in the enterprise market. However, after a collaboration with IBM, they started the ice-melting trip to the enterprise market. Appearance of the iPad Pro Apple found a new breach, this is no longer the plaything of Palm, instead it became a next-generation enterprise-class laptops.

4. Apple into a fashion brand

Exquisite industrial design has always been Apple's trump card, Cook this element plays more thoroughly at the moment, Apple on the Watch, he even used the method of fashion, playing a limited edition bracelet. On the Apple Store Design and operations in their own retail store, Apple has also hired former head of Burberry. In addition, Apple accessories is gradually lost its cold technology, became fashionable.

5. Apple App Store became a marketing platform

The App Store has a huge user base can be no lack of flow, so in addition to the traditional download paid for profit, Apple is also actively adapt their app store version, it will regain vitality in the future, turned into a marketing platform, helping Apple to earn more money.

6. Apple has always been proud to play beta

Has always been proud of the Apple now also see a reason, can't reach perfect behind closed doors, then iOS 10, they begin to launch the public beta. Apple starts listening to the user's voice, record their preferences and make the appropriate changes.

7. no longer stick to bold new areas

Now Apple is no longer in a rut, it is no longer a simple computer company, Cook will become more open. For now, cars, health and even the original series Apple wants to get a foot in the area. Even in those areas could not eat a fat person, Cook didn't care because his goal is to enter every pore associated with daily life.

8. Apple bestowed

For now, Apple's cash flow reached $ 233 billion over the past two years, it cost $ 117 billion for stock buybacks, financial means and Cook's killing ways in this series, is to further enhance the strength of Apple, the company the "everlasting throne."

9. Apple actively bear social responsibility

Different from the era muffled of great wealth, Cook's corporate responsibility more seriously. As LGBT (gay, lesbian, transgender and bisexual group) is a member of the group, he attaches great importance to mass for these people. In addition, Cook to user privacy with the FBI at enemies. In the area of environmental protection, Cook apples at the industry forefront of the pilot.

接棒乔布斯后,库克从这九个方面改变了苹果 - 苹果,库克,乔布斯 - IT资讯






近些年来,苹果在服务业务上多点开花,iCloud、Apple Pay、AppleCare和App Store的营收已经占了其总营收的12%,该部门的增长速度甚至快过了硬件部门。


从前,苹果一直是消费级市场的王者,但在企业级市场却鲜有建树。不过,与IBM达成合作后,它们开始了企业级市场的融冰之旅。iPad Pro的出现让苹果找到了新的突破口,这个大家伙不再是人们掌上的玩物,相反它成了下一代企业级笔记本电脑。


精巧的工业设计一直是苹果的王牌,眼下库克将这一元素发挥的更加淋漓尽致,在Apple Watch上,他甚至用上了时尚圈的方法,玩起了限量版表带。在自家零售店Apple Store的设计和运营上,苹果也挖来了巴宝莉前主管。此外,苹果产品的周边配件也逐渐褪去了冷冰冰的科技味,变得时尚起来。

5.苹果的App Store成了营销平台

拥有庞大用户基础的App Store可不缺流量,因此除了通过传统的下载付费牟利,苹果还在积极对自家应用商店进行改编版,未来它将重新找回活力,变身营销平台,帮苹果赚到更多的钱。


一向高傲的苹果现在也明白了一个道理,闭门造车根本无法趋近完美,于是在iOS 10上,它们开始推出公测版。苹果开始认真倾听用户的声音,记录下他们的喜好并进行相应的修改。







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