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qq published in(发表于) 2014/6/24 8:38:19 Edit(编辑)
Yahoo CEO Mayer: Sorry, I overslept,

Yahoo CEO Mayer: Sorry, I overslept,

Yahoo CEO Mayer: Sorry, I overslept-Yahoo CEO, Mayer, and Yahoo-IT news Yahoo CEO Mayer: I'm sorry, I overslept

United States the Wall Street Journal reported in its online edition, Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer (Marissa Mayer) international creative festivals in Cannes on Saturday because I overslept and missed dinner with corporate advertisers.

On Saturday night, advertising giant IPG arranged a private dinner, inviting Mayer and advertisers of millions of HIV/AIDS (Mondelez, after the reorganization of Kraft Foods), yasukatsu Brewer Miller (MillerCoors) and Greece Chobani yogurt producers and other executives met. But according to people familiar with the matter said, Mayer nearly two hours late, and several, including IPG CEO Roth dinner participants leave before she gets here.

People also said, Mayer says she overslept.

Commented one Executive involved in the dinner, said: "If this were an investor meeting, Board meeting, or potential acquisitions, someone will wake her up. This incident proved once again that she does not recognize the value of customers, advertising revenues, and advertising agencies. ”

A Yahoo spokeswoman said the company attaches great importance to cooperation with the IPG and all other advertisers, but declined to comment further on the matter.

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