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published in(发表于) 2016/8/8 16:11:11 Edit(编辑)
Uganda online “porn detector“: discovering computers, cell phones, save topless was sentenced to 10 years

Uganda online “porn detector“: discovering computers, cell phones, save topless was sentenced to 10 years(乌干达上线“色情探测仪”:发现电脑、手机存裸照将被判刑10年)



Uganda online "porn detector": discovering computers, cell phones, save nude-anti-porn-IT was sentenced to 10 years of information

IT information news on August 8,. East African country of Uganda is currently cracking down on sexual content, they just spent $ 88000 recently purchased a "porn detector", prepared under the authority of the anti-pornography law authorized porn clean up Uganda society

Uganda's ethics Minister said luokeduo, this "porn detector" by Korea design and production, will arrive in Uganda, in September, Rocco flower did not disclose specific detection, he only means that the detector can "detect, control and inspection of computers, mobile phones and other electronic devices of pornographic content."

In Uganda the latest under the anti-pornography law, mobile phones, computers, Tablet is detected on nude porn, could face up to 10 years in jail.

In addition, the Ugandan authorities also intend to cooperate with Telecom operators, $ 770,000 investment to develop a anti porn detection software, to block public access to pornography through network channels.

Ethics sector of Uganda also banned women from wearing miniskirts, ethics Minister luokeduo said it was because "man's willpower was too weak, if they see inappropriate women, they might want to get on her."

However, the Ugandan human rights group said that pornography and indecency definition is too wide, which can make the authorities use to oppress the freedom now Uganda submitted documents human rights groups have questioned the ethics of the radical anti-pornography law.

乌干达上线“色情探测仪”:发现电脑、手机存裸照将被判刑10年 - 反色情内容 - IT资讯







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