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published in(发表于) 2016/8/6 9:49:43 Edit(编辑)
Let the Oriental Hi Top KTV, why not popular in the West,

Let the Oriental Hi Top KTV, why not popular in the West,(让东方人嗨到极点的KTV,为啥在西方不受欢迎,)



Let the Oriental Hi Top KTV, why not welcome in the West-KTV-IT information

Sound recording and music, landscaping, upload to the community ... ... Chinese sing k software how long, we all already know.

Karaoke software in foreign countries there, such as Glee Karaoke, and Sing, and StarMaker, Red Karaoke. Use talent show "the voice" karaoke software produced by The Voice did not obtain official authorization, the fans are hi.

But apart from a handful of singing enthusiasts, most Westerners are not played with KTV and karaoke software. K song did not become a gathering of young people will play in the West. KTV software in the Western mainstream, KTV as a form of entertainment, in the Western world are niche niche.

Asians play hi to the explosion of KTV, why in the West is "Hi" not taken off?

Born Kara OK: a group of Japan Hi Man Group products

Kara OK in the Mainland from Taiwan and the Taiwan's Karaoke OK, from Japan.

The Japanese invented karaoke OK, Japanese, Kara-Oke means no band.

In Japan, the men hope after work, returning home at night time "later, later." Not because it was tired of seeing home wife but because, in Japan, report back if the men did not take long to go home after work, is to tell yourself not to socialize without socializing about incompetence. Therefore, in order to pretend to have the ability, they will gather in the pub and teahouse on the chat, delayed time to go home (really "smart"). Nothing, they have fun, think of using television and microphone combination, used to play singing games, this singing game is the prototype of the Kara OK (Kara OK was a product of boredom).

In 1971, the Japanese Daisuke Inoue has invented the world's first microphone, amplifier and coin box karaoke OK, can offer no accompaniment, for use in singing games. Inoue and friends place the machine in Japan in the lounge to promote, they have got, Kara OK as a fun game pop up.

In 1999 time magazine named Inoue "of 20th century's most influential Asians" and said he "changed the Asian nights." But on the other hand, because Inoue Daisuke did not initially thought of Kara OK patent and therefore miss out on a lot of use of patented reap profits. KTV at present degree of popular in Asian circles, really feel pity for him.

Admittedly Kara OK in Asia, especially in China already is a national pastime. Today, the small town in China's coastal plain, large and small, to open up nearly 10 KTV is not difficult, its audience includes men, women and children, and fire than a square dance.

This is by a group of Japan butterfly effect caused by the man group.

Emergence of the Kara OK solves a bunch of Japan Hi Man Group needs. In China, it affords PA MAK Carnival: PA MAK are finally not howling without tears, you can also call friends to go to k-virtuoso.

KTV popular, because it can be "Hi" and "group" mode switch. Chinese people used for the soundtrack of singing k, length is a variety of Board games and drinking culture. When you sing, please enjoy and self-absorbed. When you're not singing or unwilling to sing, and other people to chat, have a drink, maybe even meet friends of friends, expanding the social circle.

Karaoke has become idiomatic in Chinese social life style

This is actually the Chinese "wine" culture, karaoke has become a social habit of the Chinese way.

Hi one round, the Chinese discovered, KTV, which has many "pain points" have not been discovered.

For example, Michael PA out k Hall, always felt that she was still not high enough. For example, there are always some people hiding in the KTV, because she thought that her bad singing, nice face. Fear of luqie not virtuoso, hides the desire to sing, but the heart wants to sing.

China Mobile phone to sing k software. Its selling point is obvious: Mobile, installed in the cell phone at home can also sing. Secondly, the landscaping of the voice function is "American show", lack of confidence in your own voice users can use tune up mode, modified a key for its own voice. These software can also upload and share your own songs, and acquaintances PK, Mai BA virtuoso likes at home--software developers the skills no matter what software you can develop social games, addicting.

Hi karaoke software to meet the Chinese demand, on-line popularity soon after. A k software to China--"sing", for example, May 2012 after the launch, it is only 5 days more than other types of phone applications, rushed to the free top of the App Store. Concept of a think tank survey shows that by 2015 the fourth quarter, China Mobile karaoke scale 53.89 million people. Serves to show the Chinese Duet k it's love, even at home, also had wanted to sing addiction.

After the birth of karaoke software, used to sing in the KTV rooms of user sync to sing Kapp, absent friends listening to function in real time, such functionality does not stamp users are not carried forward. Why? Chinese karaoke on this thing, and very few who seriously appreciate other people singing, and appreciated, there is no need.

Karaoke in the West are still non-mainstream

Although Kara OK in the East is the King of entertainment, but the momentum in the West is much weaker. In the West, Kara OK pleasure of oriental immigrants in the local community.

No lack of love cover songs of young people in the West, why Kara OK culture in Western pop up?

Kara OK could be popular in China, it is because the Chinese have found it to be "local" value. Chinese are good at doing circles, circle-better at dinner, especially like the extends relationship between acquaintances and acquaintances. KTV model, especially suitable for herself and her friends bring their friends, to know each other, and develop relationships. But this is the Oriental culture.

Although we default the West is an open society, but culture is no easy task. In the West, is the mainstream white culture, their "Council" is not k Hall, hosting this party. So young people like midnight in the West to go to the bar, or go to a bar to drink and chat, likes to go hiking and outdoor activities. For growing Western culture for young people, which is the mainstream form of entertainment, it is customary, they stubbornly adhere to the lifestyle.

Western markets are not without karaoke software, karaoke rooms, where most of these stores opened in the East were gathered together, consumers also are Asians. Many in the West want to sing k, where people must go to the East, inconvenient is that they play karaoke is no better than clubbing one reason hi.

Compared with the k stores, karaoke app better. In the West, like Sing, StarMaker, Red Karaoke karaoke software has rolled out the market. Even so, the users are Asian or cover-loving young man, was not the mainstream.

After all, the oriental cultures and the cultures of Latin America, the Middle East culture, just kind of foreign culture in the West, for Westerners to try, but only for early adopters. Oriental culture as weak to the strong Western culture culture is difficult, no matter how hard it is difficult to become the mainstream of Western culture, not to mention sing k just east of many lifestyle, very thin pieces.

Western cultures are inherent in all kinds of entertainment, Kara OK can be accepted, but destined to be a niche form of entertainment.

让东方人嗨到极点的KTV,为啥在西方不受欢迎 - KTV - IT资讯


外国其实也有不少K歌软件,譬如Glee Karaoke、Sing、StarMaker、Red Karaoke。借用选秀节目“好声音”制作的K歌软件The Voice虽然没有获得官方授权,粉丝们也玩得很嗨。


















K歌软件满足中国人自嗨的需求,上线后很快受到欢迎。以中国的一款唱K软件——“唱吧”为例,2012年5月上线后,它仅用5天时间便超过其它各类手机应用,冲到App Store免费榜的榜首。易观智库的一项调查显示,截至2015年第四季度,中国共有移动K歌的用户规模5389万人。足见中国人对唱K这件事的热爱,就算一个人在家,也想要过过唱瘾。








与唱K门店相比,K歌app的情况好些。在西方,类似Sing、StarMaker、Red Karaoke等K歌软件已经铺开市场。即使如此,使用者也多是亚裔或者爱好翻唱的年轻人,并非主流人群。



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