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published in(发表于) 2016/8/5 10:43:09 Edit(编辑)
Half of students on summer vacation in China no plan: brush mobile live

Half of students on summer vacation in China no plan: brush mobile live(中国半数大学生对暑假无计划:刷手机度日,)



Half of students on summer vacation in China no plan: brush mobile live-college students, summer-IT information

On August 5, today, China's first college summer "home" research reports. Reports show that over 56% college students for summer programming chosen depending on the circumstances or no idea, two-month vacation will be wasted in idle or there is no clear plan.

Specifically, in more than more than 3,000 college students surveyed, only 12.95% students in summer there is a detailed plan and be able to stick to; 59.83% of college students rarely go out in the summer or never goes out, hardly any outdoors, summer students rely on networks, mobile phones and passing the time.

Survey data shows that 47.08% of college students for more than 5 hours online every day, up to 8 hour online every day more students about 20%, which, in social software, watch videos, listen to music, the three spent the most time. Recent 70% college students expressed lower satisfaction on holiday, often produces emotions such as boredom, regret.

Psychology professor, after the group more and more, can cause a range of physical and health problems. Experts suggest that summer students can participate in practical activities, or to meet friends, make travel plans instead of Internet, get rid of "home" State, enjoy the great joy of self-realization.

中国半数大学生对暑假无计划:刷手机度日 - 大学生,暑假 - IT资讯





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