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published in(发表于) 2016/8/5 10:43:03 Edit(编辑)
Google Doodle: you opened the Rio Olympics, I opened “fruit games“

Google Doodle: you opened the Rio Olympics, I opened “fruit games“(谷歌Doodle:你开里约奥运会,我开“水果运动会”,)



Google Doodle: you opened the Rio Olympics, I opened "fruit games"-the Rio Olympics, Google search-IT information

IT information news on August 5, from the Rio Olympic Games officially open for about 16 hours of time, as the four-yearly event, Google is certainly not missing opportunities to express feelings at this time, change the Doodle is one way. We found that the Google Doodle had earlier put on a specially designed for the Olympics "fruit games" feature.

Rio is the city is rich in fruits, Google from this point of view, designed the "fruit games" this very creative Doodle, in fact it is a small video, showing fragments of a lot of fruit on the ground play skills, racing, golf, table tennis, anything. Also, on the Google application in Android and iOS will also launch "fruit games" series of games, these fruits will perform on the playing field, the availability of "fresh fruit" title? Determined by the user.

Today has been on the line is "Berry Berry run", the player plays the strawberry, watermelon behind Chase desperately ran under, to avoid obstacles in the Middle, are interested in challenge?

Video: click here to watch

谷歌Doodle:你开里约奥运会,我开“水果运动会” - 里约奥运会,谷歌搜索 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 8月5日消息,距离里约奥运会正式开幕还有16个小时左右的时间,作为四年一次的大事件,谷歌肯定不会错过在这个时候展现情怀的机会,改变Doodle就是方式之一。我们发现,谷歌Doodle已经早早换上了为奥运会专门设计的“水果运动会”特辑。




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