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published in(发表于) 2016/3/19 12:31:10 Edit(编辑)
CCTV: a hot, the network anchors on sex and violence “without limit“

CCTV: a hot, the network anchors on sex and violence “without limit“(央视:为上热门,网络主播色情暴力“无下限”,)



CCTV: a hot, the network anchors on sex and violence "no limit"-a webcast, anchor-IT information

In recent years the "Webcast" is developing rapidly, as long as a computer or even a cell phone with camera, can live their own lives and works in the Internet, and these live is also the title of a new "network anchor." But there are some so-called "network anchor" the convenience of using the Internet platform, doing something illegal. Recently, police in Suzhou, Anhui, over more than 20 provinces and autonomous regions, destroyed a network of pornographic performances gangs suspects, 34.

Webcast sex shows to attract members to give the flower Moon into a million

Not long ago, the Suzhou Public Security Bureau received a clue, said the use of webcast software in pornographic performances. After investigation by the police, soon locks performers, and she is also a direct Manager.

Initial police investigation found that Zhang built nine through the network chat groups, each Member of the group ranging from dozens of people to hundreds of people, almost all provinces and cities all over the country.

According to a suspect confessed, they are on the Web to see someone play the high recruitment advertising of network anchors, claiming that as long as sitting at a computer for simple performance, it was "flowers" will be able to earn thousands.

Zhang said, the so-called "flower" refers to a network item, the members can play in the process of performing tours, send a flower will have to pay a dollar, big spenders, 990 ounces at a time, and is called "brushing". Total brush an extra member you can enter the chat groups, where the performances more pornographic or explicit material.

"Betta platform" spread broadcast indecent sex video network

Reporters found in the investigation, due to the profit-driven, many live platforms are filled with so-called "world′s best" live, including pornography, violence and other bad live.

On January 10 this year, Twitter suddenly appeared "a live platform Doll" topic. According to the screenshot shown in the "betta live" platform called "uninhibited 123" anchor in the Studio live sex, the anchors in the Studio to play also " Live dolls " message. Screenshots show the Studio′s then popular hot, netizens on the barrage of messages. The live platform after closing the Studio involved, but the anchor′s indecent videos had been filmed by friends, and on the Internet.

Several hours after the incident, officer Fang Weibo Jiangsu network news special @ "betta live streaming platform", says: "live people can openly appeared on the live platform in your company. If you do bad audits, can shut down the server consolidation for several months. "Due to" a betta live "registered in Wuhan, Hubei, Jiangsu police Twitter @ the Wuhan police inspections of law enforcement.

"Betta live" official micro-blog post about this: for an anchor involved bad information events, platform, administrators have to live at the first stop, and immediately reported to the police and provide victim-related personally identifiable information of sowing.

On January 18, the city network news, said it had interviewed "betta live" head, and demanded that it immediately off the air "outside broadcast" section. "Betta live" official said, will learn the lessons, to strengthen management and ensure that no similar incidents in the future.

Network live streaming platform for the eye occurs frequently in sex and violence get around

"Broadcast indecent video" incidents a month, February 24 friends fighting fish live and exposed female anchor in broadcast booth to change clothes, exposed private parts of the message. On February 25, a betta live official response, saying the incident was not broadcast live, but live after the end.

The night of March 16, Panda TV broadcast was exposed by netizens indecent video, Netizen named "first Panda without makeup beauty" suddenly back in a live shot, bending over exposing private parts. In this regard, the live platform will be the live titles, and said in a statement: the estimated release time is the year 2038.

Journalists in the survey found that webcast platform not only frequent drag racing live sex, naked, video, useful even vulgar, obscene language flirt with minors. In February, a female anchor of a webcast platform will be a 9 year old boy into the Studio, according to Internet users reflect, the anchorwoman is helping this student borrowed an account logon Studio.

Up to 4 minutes of live video, woman scantily mentioned in Exchange to keep the pupil body, chest and other words words.

This live video by netizens after recording the package, some suggestive language were used as add special effects to video. Many websites without any of the cases, this wanton forward images of minors, and some even use "anchorwoman teaches 9-year old boy how to flirt" title as a gimmick, attract users to click on Browse.

"Zero" thresholds weak supervision of minors is not limited

So, what network live streaming platform for social services, pornography, violence and other vulgar content frequently appear?

Light rain 19 years old who lives in Nanjing, after high school part-time model, and now she was anchorwoman three live streaming platform. She says the network anchor threshold is very low, you simply register online will be opened immediately. While network anchors earn depends on user tips.

Rain says, network anchors get paid usually in two steps: the first step get noticed, higher popularity, more rank near the top in the platform, which also will be the audience sooner; second step is obtained through interaction and audience award. Some woman will also meet friends "Strip" requirements, the premise is to receive a certain amount of gifts. Many netizens have sent a gift.

According to reporter observed, log on to the live platform, users do not need to fill out any registration information, click to enter free to watch.

Webcast is "burned" senior titles offer 120,000

In a live broadcast platform reporters found that registered members can purchase different items and gifts, to obtain different identity. Different levels of membership, from the lowest Lord of Earls, Dukes, prices have gone up tremendously, opened the highest levels of the King to pay the first month up to 120,000 yuan. Members with special status, can gain the opportunity to host alone.

Mr Li is the head of a brokerage firm, his company′s cooperation with several live streaming platform, network anchors is responsible for signing and packaging. Mr Li said Webcast platform business model is obtained by users to purchase virtual gifts platform revenue, according to a certain proportion and into the network anchors. Anchor access to gift more, live platform, the greater the profits.

Under the interest chain, some live streaming platform for the supervision of the network anchors, will become weakened.

Expert advice: legislation needs refining

Live streaming platform exists in name only for the constraint of the network anchors, and management constraints on live broadcast platform on the Internet there are also grey areas. A network anchor and "no limit" shows news, challenged the moral bottom line.

Legal experts said, because the legal definition of pornography is not specific enough, leading to webcast "fringes". Webcasting as a new product, according to its characteristics, stream broadcast content regulation on refining new basis, live platform, and ′ legal practitioners have a clear understanding of their responsibilities. Network broadcast platform on the present situation of lack of protection of minors, legal scholars call for Internet content rating system needs to be in place.

央视:为上热门,网络主播色情暴力“无下限” - 网络直播,主播 - IT资讯































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