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published in(发表于) 2016/7/19 10:35:44 Edit(编辑)
40,000 New Zealand people raised to buy back, private beach, open to the public,

40,000 New Zealand people raised to buy back, private beach, open to the public,(4万新西兰人众筹买回私人海滩,向公众开放,)



40,000 New Zealand people raised to buy back, private beach, open to the public-it-IT information

By nearly 40,000 New Zealand person by means of raised to buy the New Zealand South Island, at a private beach on 10th into the Abel Tasman National Park and become a public place for visitors to play.

Sponsors of this raise Duan·meijie 11th said in an interview, saw a dream come true, he felt "surreal."

"" Positive energy "victory"

Earlier this year, nearly 40,000 New Zealand generously to the people, through two months raising 2.3 million New Zealand (about US $ 1.7 million), bought in New Zealand South Island's Abel Tasman National Park near the private beach "Avaro", turning it into public property.

10th, a celebration was held, marking the beach officially became part of the National Park. During the ceremony, all raise sponsors, Pastor John major was also present.

Major 11th interview with the local television station claiming to be "ordinary guy." He recalls himself over the Christmas period after consulting with relatives decided to set up a preparatory Web page to implement this plan.

John major said during a celebration of 10th, he also shed tears. "We just did a try, don't know what's going to happen next, (dreams come true) is a bit surreal. ”

Agence France-Presse reported that the public contributions raised from an early age children contribute a dollar to the enterprise out of tens of thousands of New Zealand range, New Zealand Government invested 350,000 New Zealand Yuan (US $ 253,000).

New Zealand niji·wagena, Deputy Minister of the Department of environmental protection to New Zealand is pleased with the next generation can enjoy the beach, she said: "this is a positive energy play a role of victory, was a victory for the protection of the environment, all those who have contributed to our country a better gift. ”

"Private beach surnames"

"Avaro" beach is a stretch into the Bay of long and narrow plot, total area 7 hectares, with up to 800 meters of beach, only arrived by boat or helicopter.

Beach masters 2008 with 1.92 million New Zealand (US $ 1.391 million) purchased this land. Listed on the beach last December to sell, real estate agent called it the "best beach on the planet."

Beach hosts the original asking price of at least 2 million New Zealand (1.449 million dollars), while New Zealand over more than 100 domestic and foreign buyers have expressed interest in bidding. Bid last minute, New Zealand Government invested 350,000 New Zealand join discs ensure that raise prices higher than other buyers, successful access to the beach.

New Zealand Minister for culture and heritage Maji·Bali thanked the fund-raisers. She said: "this incident reflects New Zealand people on land have deep feelings, we would also like to see the land is protected, it is inspiring. ”

4万新西兰人众筹买回私人海滩,向公众开放 - 众筹 - IT资讯















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