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published in(发表于) 2016/7/14 10:59:26 Edit(编辑)
Two or three cities in China have blocked? Drop report: North Canton,

Two or three cities in China have blocked? Drop report: North Canton,(中国二三线城市有多堵?滴滴出行报告:甚于北上广,)



Two or three cities in China have blocked? Drop report: North Canton-drops, car-IT information

On July 14, 2016 issued today to the last drop first half of China's urban transportation report first half of this year, 400 cities nationwide the average speed for the 24.8km/h, the overall speed is slightly on the rise. Detailed comparative study further found that the most congested parts of the country it is not the first-tier cities, more than two or three lines of urban congestion more severe than the North Canton.

Reports also pointed out that the first half of the country's most congested cities are Shijiazhuang, loss is the biggest city in Beijing is due to congestion . Traffic high uncertainty, Jinan, Harbin and Shanghai , members of the public for the protection of a variety of circumstances to arrive at the scheduled time, you need to set aside about 2 minutes per kilometer.

Report shows first half of 2016, 400 cities nationwide index was 1.58 average congestion delay, an average speed of 24.8km/h. In January, most congested and most congested day January 29, when the national average speed for the 21.1km/h in February, most open, most open day is on February 9, the nationwide average speeds up to 29.4km/h on the day.

Reports also show that most congested parts of the country it is not the first-tier cities, more than two or three lines of urban congestion more severe than the North Canton. In the first half, the country's most congested cities are Shijiazhuang, congestion delay index of 1.87, mean to morning and evening rush-hour traffic than a 87% in the early hours. Chongqing, Xian, Jinan, the breakdown of two to four, while Harbin, Zhengzhou, Qingdao, Wuhan and other two or three line congestion and Beijing and Guangzhou cities in the most congested neck .

If per capita monetary losses caused by congestion in the first half to rank cities by GDP per capita higher, the losses suffered by the more ranks. Among them, Beijing 5056 tops, Shanghai and Shenzhen, respectively, at 4497, 4357 Yuan subsequently disaggregated . The most congested, Chongqing, Xian, Shijiazhuang and other places, people have nearly 4,000 yuan loss.

Take a taxi from the success probability point of view, the first half of the day 8:00-9:00, and 18:00-19:00 for a taxi difficult, combined with the morning and evening peak congestion in the first half, took a taxi difficult peak peak congestion than the city was delayed by 1 hour. During the holidays, 5:00-6:00, 21:00-22:00 is difficult for a taxi for two time periods. Four cities hardest taxi stations are: Beijing, Zhongguancun and fuxingmen, Xidan, international trade Shanghai, Lujiazui, the Bund and Shanghai TV station near Guangzhou, the Pearl River Park, Tianhe Sports Center, huajing; Shenzhen, near old street, guomao, Shenzhen North Station.

中国二三线城市有多堵?滴滴出行报告:甚于北上广 - 滴滴出行,专车 - IT资讯







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