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published in(发表于) 2016/6/5 7:43:25 Edit(编辑)
Wrist thick rice field in Chongqing strange smoke, hundreds of people waiting to watch,

Wrist thick rice field in Chongqing strange smoke, hundreds of people waiting to watch,(重庆现手腕粗稻田怪烟,引百人等候围观,)



Wrist thick rice field in Chongqing strange smoke, hundreds of people crowd-natural wonders, rice blame smoke-IT information

In recent days, dianjiang County high closure village in a strange town-a rice field every night will pop out white smoke, attracting hundreds of onlookers.

According to the closing of the local village residents described the smoking phenomenon has appeared in paddy field for ten consecutive days, regardless of the fine rain, every night at 7, the paddy fields from the "white smoke", lasted until about 8 o'clock the whole process over. After the news, and too many people came to watch, many of them are driving here.

? Distance comes and goes almost find no

Yesterday, heard this matter in dianjiang County Xu Forum staff made a special trip to the confirmation of the incident, see the picture when he described the incident to reporters.

Xu, who arrived at about 7 o'clock in the evening closure of village, around rice fields on the road at this time, there are hundreds of people who arrive here, neatly lined up on the roadside waiting for the spectacle. Meter-wide roads, were clogged by vehicles and watch people. Some brave people, and walked on to the field, a closer look. People with cell phone in hand, silently waiting for miracles to happen at the moment, hope this mystery by mobile phone.

3rd afternoon, Xinhua learned from the site visits, smoke appeared in time, local residents have different versions, seen as early as 6 o'clock in the afternoon, around 8 at night also saw. But most of the time is between 7:30 to 8 points.

2nd, Mr Xu waited more than 40 minutes at the scene, and finally captured photos of suspected smoke. Xu said that hundreds of people, local resident Xu first discovered the strange smoke, along with Xu Guide, watching everybody lines up cell phones and cameras recorded.

Video taken by local residents can see rice fields a stream of smoke of an adult wrist weights, because at that time no wind, straight up and down, rushed out of the rice paddies a few meters high, anti-looking head, only at the top of the plume Dim, smoke flowing around. Xu confirmed, because at that time it was early evening, while the camera records the plume is not obvious, but completely with the naked eye can see.

Reporters saw in the videos, since after seeing the first smoke, and too many people came to watch, onlookers keep shouting: "there is a wave ...".

Smoke in the middle of rice fields, a few meters away from the Tanabe, there are big and small, high and low, a smoke for more than 10 seconds will disappear, disappear elsewhere after springing a share.

But local residents told the Chongqing evening news, what's strange is, well look, good residents a close look found that smog was gone.

? Expert-guided village secrets

Why blame smoke? local residents at first guess is spring, but found that all normal water temperature in paddy fields, guess was denied. There is gas leakage? later confirmed under the paddy field and its surrounding there is no gas pipeline and fire the ignition or combustion, this speculation has been denied.

What could this be? said this is a precursor, and some say there may be volcanic eruptions, some said Rice had oil below, and some say this is gas, rice field House will change ... ... Residents talk of becoming more iffy,

Subsequently, the reporter residents captured the strange smoke videos and photos sent to southwestern agricultural professionals in the field, a specialist after seeing pictures that asks "strange cigarette" occur frequently after the time of judgment. "This may be a tiny group out of rice planthopper, but observed to site specific conditions, it is recommended that local residents to find out the answer from this angle. ”

Later, the local village leaders told reporters, expert guidance, they confirm smoke is a small insect groups, have sent people in the village began to crowd this evening to clarify the truth, hope everyone don't spread rumor.

"There are hundreds of species of rice planthopper, what kind of, which we did not recognize it, but it is bugs, smoke is not to blame, people will no longer surprise!" Closing of the village party branch Secretary LI, hoping the media giving us a message.

Every day hundreds of people waiting for wonders

重庆现手腕粗稻田怪烟,引百人等候围观 - 自然奇观,稻田怪烟 - IT资讯



















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