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published in(发表于) 2016/7/11 12:10:25 Edit(编辑)
Boy was bitten by the age of nine, her mother with a kitchen knife son disability caused by bleeding risk,

Boy was bitten by the age of nine, her mother with a kitchen knife son disability caused by bleeding risk,(九岁男童被毒蛇咬伤,母亲用菜刀放血险致儿子残废,)



Nine-year old boy was bitten, son mother with a kitchen knife bleeding risks caused by disability-snakes, biting, bleeding-IT information

The afternoon of July 7, Ms Yang holding a kitchen knife, cut open a 9 year old son Mo jiaolei (not his real name) was bitten by the Snake's skin, blood from MO jiaolei right arm shooting out suddenly. Subsequently, the young woman carrying a borrowed 2000 Yuan, MO jiaolei to heavy medical subsidiary, yongchuan district hospital. After the reception, doctors first consideration not venom, but emergency bleeding. "Only 3 mm injury to tendons, that right hand was even waste. ”

? MO jiaolei deposited with the treatment on the injured right arm of venom drug

Three mm injury to tendons

See Mo jiaolei by rushed consultations, yongchuan hospital affiliated to medical surgery surprised Deputy Director Li Guangliang, MO jiaolei found his right wrist top vascular bleeding, cut about 1 cm deep, large blood vessels under the skin has been broken. Said Li grabbed the little finger, kitchen knife cut three mm deep, is injury to the tendons, the child's right hand was even waste. Hospital took immediate proximal ligation of bleeding, infection and emergency surgery.

Until you send Mo jiaolei hospitalized two days later, Yang was put on clean clothes. Original clothes were blood-soaked area.

Watching the sleeping son lay in a hospital bed, she once thought that if you want to use your own life, his own blood in order to change back into his son's health, some willingly.

Nurses found that only MO jiaolei awake, the more than 40-year old mother could reveal your smile. But most of the time, young woman sobbing in the bow, complain about himself. "I'm a hard-hearted person? ”

▲ Yang for saving which son was injured, caught in endless remorse

Child catch chicken snake bite

Young lady who lives in youxizhen village of Danfeng, jiangjin district. 7th at about 1 o'clock in the afternoon, playing near Mo jiaolei in his brick house, ran home and feeding the chickens running around.

Because of concerns about the child threw the chicken lost, Miss Yang called Mo jiaolei to gutters to catch from behind the House opposite the chicken back. Then, after Yang remembered gutters may be a Viper. "There are weeds, and very moist. "So, she shout to him," don't be caught, hurry back. ”

Because running away, MO jiaolei had not heard. Unexpectedly, Yang worries really took place. Before long, MO jiaolei to run crying home to say he had been bitten by a snake.

See right wrist a small hole at the top of the son, Yang was scared, asked his son, "what the snake look like? "Mo jiaolei said in tears, caught and killed the snake and last home identical to yellow.

"My head cover at once, and it was a serpent, the head is triangular. "Yang moments can't delay directly with the mouth and suck the wound, to spit poison blood out.

Heart bleeding knife

Suck out blood, Yang took out wipe rheumatism home disinfection son of wine in the wrist, wrist and kept beating son detoxification. At this time, Yang had no idea of the education level is not high, she was bitten by the snake, you may want to cut the wound can be drained blood poisoning.

In desperation, she picked up the knife towards the son injured part cut off. But who knows the choppers are too sharp, arm has been cut open a big wound, bleeding.

Young ladies and naughty son to the nearest hospital. Because the situation is serious, village and town hospitals are not presenting to treatment. At this time, it was suggested that she put her son into yongchuan district hospitals.

"I had no money, neighbors lent 2000 Yuan. "With the help of good people, Miss Yang Mo jiaolei to the 3:30 P.M. the day, yongchuan district. Meanwhile, MO jiaolei father was also working in the city received news that the frantic.

Looking forward to good people help

"Home no money at all. "Mo jiaolei father sighed, usually already stretched family expenses, all sources are on his work at the site.

Current Mo jiaolei the cost of treatment, was kindly borrowed from neighbors. Due to subsequent treatment cost not a small number, the jiangjin man faces more than 50 years old concerns.

On July 9, the reading of this reporter met in the hospital ward when MO jiaolei, yongchuan district, he is playing a bit by bit, in a sleeping state. Apply full of drugs for treatment of snake venom on right arm.

Li Guangliang doctors, judging from preliminary inspection, after the treatment, MO jiaolei health indicators are essential to normal shows snake toxicity may not. But Yang wound cut too deep, secondary damage to MO jiaolei, caused the wound bleeding. "Wound tendons are visible, it's too dangerous. ”

It is understood that the mo jiaolei at present, although has been out of danger, but still need to be hospitalized for observation, arm swelling in a few weeks ' time, hand the activities of the Department will be affected, depending on recovery of judgment can be drawn.

"Being very cleverly told, hope that good people can lend us a hand. "Watching a child, Yang once again shed tears.

Being bitten by poisonous snakes that self-help

1.120: first dial 120, follow the doctors advice, waiting to be rescued. Don't run fast, accelerated blood circulation, venom through blood circulation into the body's speed will increase.

2. pull out fangs : bitten by a snake and Venom tend to break inside the wound. Venom venom within, to pull the fangs at the fastest rate, further first-aid so as not to cause more venom into the body.

3. burn : If in the wild, ambulances could not make it in time, in case of emergency, burn wounds, without burning the wound, just wound skin blisters can, enough to destroy part of venom.

4. the ligature immediately with a cloth tied in a place not far from the wound, impeding blood flow to the heart. Every 20 minutes or so, 2-3-minute relaxation, prevention of ischemic necrosis of the body.

5. washing : the wound underneath the flow of clean water, keep hands to rub the wound under water can wash away the poison glue on wounds.

6. cut : If the 120 had not arrived, cut the wound with a sterile blade, can be "a" shaped cut, or you can "cross" shaped incision. Cutting depth will not be too deep, cut to just under the skin. After the cut, continue to wash the wound. Agkistrodon acutus and the bite of Vipera russelli, without encouraging them to cut, because after the cut, it is easy to bleed.

九岁男童被毒蛇咬伤,母亲用菜刀放血险致儿子残废 - 毒蛇,咬伤,放血 - IT资讯


































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