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published in(发表于) 2016/7/16 8:03:29 Edit(编辑)
Three of Zuckerberg appeared Park: enjoyable,

Three of Zuckerberg appeared Park: enjoyable,(扎克伯格一家三口现身公园:其乐融融,)



Three of Zuckerberg appeared Park: fun-Facebook, Zuckerberg-IT information

IT news , July 16, in recent days, overseas netizens take Zuckerberg family of three scenes of the play in the Park, enjoyable, enviable, users lamented the head of Facebook ordinary side.

Zuckerberg wife in last year December success Christmas Xia a name girl, Zuckerberg then in Facebook Shang announced has this a message, from we know of message view, Zuckerberg very love himself of daughter, actually, in last year Hugh accompany maternity leave during, Zuckerberg on once became Sun baby crazy magic, in interstellar war: original force awakening hot reflected during, Zuckerberg in its face book sent has a Zhang "small Gong Ju" and pet dog of photo. Also nicknamed "the child looked the force is very strong. "Has fueled a crowd.

Even at the top also has its mundane side, but more often, we see their wisdom solemnness of the outside world, perhaps only in the family, they can surrender, just like an ordinary person, and because rare, attract a lot of attention, as Huawei, founded by ren zhengfei alone waiting for a taxi at the airport and triggered heated discussion.

扎克伯格一家三口现身公园:其乐融融 - Facebook,扎克伯格 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 7月16日消息,近日,有国外网友拍到扎克伯格一家三口在公园玩耍的场景,其乐融融,令人艳羡,网友感叹这位Facebook掌门人平凡普通的一面。



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