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published in(发表于) 2016/7/9 8:04:10 Edit(编辑)
United States, and Russia, and Japan cooperation: gene sequencing will be conducted on the international space station for the first time,

United States, and Russia, and Japan cooperation: gene sequencing will be conducted on the international space station for the first time,(美国、俄罗斯、日本合作:基因测序将首次在国际空间站进行,)



United States, and Russia, and Japan cooperation: gene sequencing will be conducted on the international space station for the first time-sequencing, NASA-IT information

According to the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) latest news, recently launched by Russia "Union" manned spacecraft to carry 3 astronauts, NASA scientist Kaite·lubinsi will become the first person gene sequencing at the international space station. This experiment will help to understand the effects of space environment on the human genome and master astronaut health, and life within the solar system exploration.

Take the "Alliance", astronauts are respectively Kaite·lubinsi, and Russia's anatuoli·yiwannishi and Japan's Takuya Kimura in the West. They will spend two days in Earth orbit for "Union" upgrades, system tests, is expected to arrive on 9th international space station and docked with the lasiweite module. At that time, up to 6 space station astronauts, they would set up "expedition 48-49" task force, within 4 months of the station more than more than 250 science experiments.

Kaite·lubinsi gene-sequencing experiments at the space station. She is PhD of Stanford University School of medicine cancer biology, 2009 into the NASA training, become a qualified astronaut. Rubens is very excited for gene sequencing at the international space station. She will use a mini sequencing instrument completed sequencing experiment, observation of this technology in micro-gravity conditions, such as liquid samples, samples of changes in the way into the sequencer. This experiment can get first-hand knowledge of gene sequencing data in real time and help to understand the effects of radiation, and sleep on the human genome, at the space station of the future research on human diseases has important significance and their mission to Mars.

Shala·hualaishi microbial scientists at NASA Johnson Space Center said the gene sequencing machines to use in space, also identify microorganisms, diagnose diseases, and help understand the astronauts ' health, to detect elsewhere in the solar system also has the potential to help non-DNA-based life.

Rubens also will test a device in microgravity with accuracy, in order to better understand the effects of gravity on bone cell function, cardiovascular system, such as changes in the environment of space. These experiments help heart disease research and new drug development.

It is reported that the space technology (SpaceX) 's "Dragon" spacecraft on July 18 from "Falcon 9" rocket launch, the 9th commercial resupply missions, and gene sequencing experiments, space craft temperature regulation, bone loss research results back to Earth.

The boundaries of space is a special, high vacuum and microgravity, super clean condition, was enthralled by scientists. If confirmed the experiment on Earth moved there, the results may change, gene sequencing is not an exception in the life sciences. Want to do experiments in space comply with articles, scientists need to pass the test to become a qualified astronaut, laboratory instruments and equipment must not be too large, ensure the safety of experiments, experimental results can be properly saved ... ... Man does not stop the pace of exploration of the universe, the experimental data can be accumulated bit by bit, until one day, ordinary people can at any time one went to space travel.

美国、俄罗斯、日本合作:基因测序将首次在国际空间站进行 - 基因测序,NASA - IT资讯








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