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published in(发表于) 2016/7/4 11:01:56 Edit(编辑)
Amazing illusion of design: it is whether it is round or square? ,

Amazing illusion of design: it is whether it is round or square? ,(惊艳的错觉设计:这东西到底是到底是圆形还是方形?,)



Amazing illusion of design: it is whether it is round or square? Illusion-design-IT information

On July 4, we often say that "hearing is true, what you see is what you get", most of the time, even if you see is not necessarily true. Best illusion of the year contest announced recently by 2016 years of prize-winning works, these works will open your eyes.

In this game from Japan University Professor Kokichi Sugihar got the runner-up, his work is a wonderful column. Magic of the cylinder is in reality look, cylinder is a square design, but displayed in the mirror is round. Round column in the reality show the foreign body, but in the mirror into a cylindrical inner side.

It is reported that this group of products is named "ambiguous column", and this set of columns look fantastic, actually use the illusion design, such as Kokichi Sugihar when the cylinder is moved, we will find that these cylindrical shape is not a square, not rounded.

But even if you could find these little secrets, there may simply not understand how this phenomenon is formed. Perhaps, this is the stunning illusion designed place.

Video address: click here

惊艳的错觉设计:这东西到底是到底是圆形还是方形? - 错觉设计 - IT资讯


在本次比赛中,来自日本的大学教授Kokichi Sugihar获得了亚军,他的作品是一种神奇的柱体。这些柱体的神奇之处就是在现实中俯看的话,柱面是方形设计,但是显示在镜子中的却是圆形。现实中显示外方内圆的柱体,在镜子中却变成了外圆内方。

据悉,这组产品被命名为“模棱两可的柱”,而这组柱体之所以看起来非常神奇,实际上也是利用了错觉设计,比如在Kokichi Sugihar移动柱体时,我们就会发现这些柱面的形状其实并不是正方形、也不是圆形。



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