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published in(发表于) 2016/7/1 8:25:58 Edit(编辑)
Refusing to submit the suspect communications, Brazil freeze Facebook funding $ 6 million

Refusing to submit the suspect communications, Brazil freeze Facebook funding $ 6 million(拒提交嫌犯通讯信息,巴西冻结Facebook资金600万美元,)



Refusing to submit the suspect communications, Brazil freeze Facebook funding $ 6 million-Facebook-IT information

According to Reuters, Brazil court Thursday froze Facebook 19.5 million reais (about 6.07 million US dollars) of funds, because the company's message using WhatsApp deny suspects in drug cases to the police communications.

Brazil federal police said that from January this year, they started investigations into a transnational drug trafficking syndicate, but WhatsApp repeatedly refused to address requests for information submitted to the members of the Group of suspects.

Without these data, it is difficult or impossible to prove that the recent arrests by the police suspected drug cartel links.

In a 5-months repeatedly refused to submit information, Brazil announced a judge to freeze funds Facebook, WhatsApp the funds subject to the cumulative fines for failing to comply with the order.

It is reported that WhatsApp in Brazil and do not have bank accounts, judges announced the freezing of the funds of its parent company, Facebook.

However, the Court did not use Brazil Internet regulations in the terms close WhatsApp service.

In a similar case earlier this year, and a Brazil judge ruled down WhatsApp for 72 hours, which makes Brazil about 100 million WhatsApp users angry. Shut down 24 hours after another court lifted the order.

Facebook was blocked during the said WhatsApp does not store user information, and even storage companies are unable to read, because the information is encrypted.

Now, Facebook has not been immediately Brazil Court's freeze order to comment.

拒提交嫌犯通讯信息,巴西冻结Facebook资金600万美元 - Facebook - IT资讯










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