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published in(发表于) 2013/11/12 12:32:37 Edit(编辑)
Legal boys cut from 6 foreign language translation on your own movie CDs sold sentenced

Legal boys cut from 6 foreign language translation on your own movie CDs sold sentenced(法律男自学6门外语翻译电影 刻成光盘出售被判刑 )

Legal man cut from 6 foreign language translation on your own movie CDs sold sentenced-piracy, movie, CD-IT news Legal boys cut from 6 foreign language translation on your own movie CDs sold sentenced

People of Jiangyin Liu, 30 years old, graduated from a prestigious University majoring in international economic law, also speak 6 languages. However, was this supposed to be promising boy, but because of copyright infringement was sentenced as such. It turns out that the young Liu to share more common niche films, will translate to download films and produced its own titles, carved into the CD sold on the network. Yesterday, the reporter was informed that the intellectual property Court of Jiangyin City Court was sentenced in the case.

Foreign language translations of a madman cult films

It is understood that Xiao Liu graduated from a famous University, majored in international economic law.

Liu always enjoys drawing and animation, still in love with the movies. But he's not overrated blockbuster, prefer the niche art films.

In order to better understand the film, Xiao Liu has taught himself English, French, Japanese, German, Russian, Korean. Although already six or seven years, but he didn't go out looking for a job, hanging around all day at the Film Forum, and some enthusiasts to exchange ideas.

Xiao Liu at the Film Forum and online communication found that less niche movie channels of communication, many like-minded fans have "wanted to see less" affliction-the art films are more difficult to enter the domestic market, and online forums have this demand, especially some film and television professional schools students, no films can be seen. Then, Liu began his translation of these films, and got a lot of friends on the other side.

Yangtse evening post reporter learned that Liu translated a total of more than 400 films, are niche art films. Lau said, now able to see some of the niche art films abroad, many of them starting from his first translation.

Home to 3,600 CD pirate

Starting from 2007, Xiao Liu of the cult films of his collected translations, after making titles on CD-ROM, and then printed on movie posters, set up shop in Taobao sale.

Xiao Liu has always emphasized that making money is not a final goal, his pursuit of perfection, all subtitles are put, certainly not "posted" on the screen, that affect viewing. Moreover, to sell a disc as long as the 2.9, CDs are the best, don't make any money, so the support of a large number of users.

In April this year, Liu was arrested by Jiangyin, police inspect the goods on the spot from his home more than 3,600 on CD, Jiangyin City, were identified as infringing the Copyright Council of pirated video compact disc copies. To this end, Xiao Liu was sentenced to 3 years of imprisonment, suspended for 3 years, 6 months, and fined 10,000 yuan.

Why study law would also embark on the path of crime? Liu said that in 2007, when, in his view, copyright checking wasn't strong enough that he also knew that his actions violated the copyright law, but due to his love of movies and so many friends on the other side, he was just desperate to do down.

"The accused's conduct damages the interests of the copyright holder on the one hand, but also against the creator's motivation and jeopardize cultural innovation in the market. We advocate the General support in the Community Edition, to create a favorable market environment. "Xu contractors to the case, said.

After the sentencing, Xiao Liu says right to express their will in the future, doing something more meaningful in the future could have been translated, not doing criminal things. (The name is a pseudonym)

Judge >>>

As long as the Internet feed is no problem

April 26 is world intellectual property day. The same day, provide countries of Europe, Japan and South Korea, prominent film and television drama series and movie subtitling and download sites "all video" suddenly shut down. According to the site "will close the download, plug-in subtitles downloads and movie presentation will continue, step by step guide you to some excellent overseas source of download sources. ”

Analysts believe that all "television" temporarily shut down or network attachment event spread-the-net digital HD known as China's largest portal website, membership reached more than 1.4 million, were seized in this year, the site 8 people, including CEO Zhou captured by police on suspicion of infringement of intellectual property rights.

Today, the Jiangyin boys sentenced, once again raises concerns about subtitle illegal border issues. In response, Xu contractors the case the judge said if they translate themselves do not sell, there is no problem.

Lawyers also said, if the Internet dissemination of translated subtitles, may freak out, first part of the cult films the domestic does not introduce, if misinterpreted the meaning of the original author in the translation process, but also violates the rights of others.


法律男自学6门外语翻译电影 刻成光盘出售被判刑 - 盗版,电影,光盘 - IT资讯
法律男自学6门外语翻译电影 刻成光盘出售被判刑






















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