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published in(发表于) 2016/4/27 6:24:04 Edit(编辑)
China chip patent application number: 18 23 times growth

China chip patent application number: 18 23 times growth(中国成为芯片专利申请第一大国:18年23倍增长,)



China chip patent application number: 18-23 times growth chip patent-IT information

Cell phone rings once there is such a joke: Apple is "thirst", other phone brands will go hungry. Actually said was due to the limited supply of high-end chips, chip makers when selecting a customer, Chinese mobile phone makers can only "wait a minute".

Today, Apple has stepped down from the altar, but behind the abnormal business of ecological conditions remain, "difficult to get a core" still haunts eager to go the high-end line terminal handset vendors. In other areas, such as Huawei Hass, ZTE microelectronics and other Chinese-made chip self-sufficiency rate of increase year by year, but at very high stability and reliability of communication, large quantities of industrial, medical and military applications, is still dominated by international chip manufacturers.

In 2014 the economic blue book, the Chinese Academy of social sciences pointed out that China's industrial overcapacity situation, but a lot of the high-end part of the industry rely heavily on imports, for example, chip 90% is dependent on imports, imports over oil every year.

"China's demand for integrated circuits to a trillion-dollar level, but compared with the market demand, China's IC production value of less than 360 billion is not enough. "Shenzhen zhongxing micro-electronics technology, Vice General Manager Liu Xinyang told reporters on April 26, intellectual property, global chip patents in the past 18 years increased 6 times, while the Chinese achieved 23 times growth from China on a number of patent applications has become chip superpower.

"Compared to international companies, China integrated circuit enterprises need to pay too much, but if you want to be governed by people, will have to find their own strengths, and gradually catch up on 5G devices have a lot of opportunities. "Liu said ZTE microelectronics hope 5G end chips make it the world's top three.

"Fears of a hollow" under the Chase

China semiconductor industry association released data showing last December global chip sales decline from a year earlier to 5.2%, sales down slightly for the year 2014 year of all-time, including 7.7% market growth in China, only growth areas for sales.

From a volume perspective, China has become the world's largest and fastest-growing IC market in 2014, the size of the market for the first time break through trillion.

"The development of China's integrated circuits is extremely fast, several areas involved in the chip industry, IC design grew 38.7%,IC 25%,IC packaging industry of manufacturing growth rose to 16.9%, compared to global growth in single digits, outbreak trends. "Liu told reporters, zhongxing micro-electronics shipments last year 2014 growing exponentially, core 4G chip growth reached 10 times.

Liu said, although a late start, but from the run speed, Chinese companies have catch up with European companies and technological strength in a particular area.

"In the past we said IC put three high, high risk, high cost, high output, very high demand for funding, with the evolution of Moore, 16 nanometer chips to do now, invested amount cannot be less than billion level. "Liu said, but China brought development opportunities, support from the country's IC industry investment fund, capital-driven support, allow more space enterprise with technology development.

In international patent searching QUESTEL press the chip industry patent analysis and patent portfolio quality assessment reports, Chinese companies in chip patent number has gradually caught up with established businesses in foreign countries.

But there are questions from the industry, think in many advanced fields, such as high speed optical communication interface, a large FPGA, high speed and high precision ADC/DAC and other major reliance on United States suppliers. In this regard, Liu told reporters, from light to electricity, converted to numeric needs some technique, we put this piece of technology called ADDA, but a lot of teams around the country are doing technology accumulation, countries in support, will have the opportunity to achieve a breakthrough.

"Mobile phone which we have set up our own team of RF, also have their own product, five-mode chips can use their own. In a base station on the processor and other products, Basic you can do your own supply. "Liu said.

"Overtaking" opportunities

According to QUESTEL statistics, China's stable growth in chip patent applications since 2001, 2010 apply for pace accelerated significantly after, technical innovation is increasingly active, the overall level and higher, the chip industry pay more attention to intellectual property protection, by 2012 more than the 30,000 mark. Top 30 position in global chip patent applications patent, Japan most of the company, Hitachi, NEC and Toshiba ranked among the top three, followed by the United States, IBM, Intel, Texas instruments, established companies such as Qualcomm, ZTE, Huawei's patent applications at the top among domestic enterprises.

But compared with international manufacturers, mobile phone League Secretary General Wang yanhui of China believes that there is a natural gap. He on reporter said, currently domestic chip manufacturers and international manufacturers of gap main reflected in several aspects: a is commercial mode Shang of gap, United States has many IDM company, Korea has from beginning to end of industry chain, China fighting each other, no clear of mode; II is leading enterprise gap, domestic enterprise of sales and production scale and Europe company compared has must of distance; three is production process and technology Shang differences; four is capital gap, Rumors of domestic integrated circuit manufacturing industry investment in research and development than the Intel family of one-sixth.

This means that, as it is difficult to rely on their accumulated for reinvestment and continuous investment in research and development, chip manufacturers, China lost at the starting line from the start, but it seems to many manufacturers, this does not mean that the future without "overtaking" opportunities.

"Huawei chip research began with the 1991, Hass shipments of chips also achieve 50 million last year. "Huawei's current CEO, said Guo ping, told reporters.

Liu in the 5G era, Chinese manufacturers, especially the communications capabilities of manufacturers in the field of integrated circuits have more advantages. "5G has more connections, you can address the needs of Internet connections, low latency, it is zhongxing micro-areas of expertise. "He believes that smart networking needs of manufacturing and IC to provide more intelligent or communications capacity, includes computing, storage, wireless control and join more terminals.

"Terminal on chip trends combined with smart home, combined with multimedia data center of the future, the overall market has great potential. "Wang yanhui, told reporters from the market in 2016, intelligent Terminal category to a wider range of forms, active and intelligent terminal market will make China's chip industry with overtaking opportunities.

中国成为芯片专利申请第一大国:18年23倍增长 - 芯片,专利 - IT资讯






















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