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published in(发表于) 2016/6/27 9:17:22 Edit(编辑)
Buy watermelon first knock, Italy is not happy,

Buy watermelon first knock, Italy is not happy,(买西瓜先敲敲,意大利人不高兴了,)



Buy watermelon first knock, Italy people not happy-melon-IT information

A few days ago, a user said on Twitter, Italy supermarket put up a sign: "Dear customer, please stop knocking on watermelons, they are really not respond!!!". But Italy supermarket does not specify which country, but also the enthusiasm of the Chinese buying watermelons to discuss habits, not knocking on watermelons that how to buy?

Below is the comment:

▲ Do not knock to buy, too little respect for watermelon

Abroad not knocking on watermelons, are you really?

United Kingdom media BBC, knocking on watermelons are popular worldwide, pound watermelon, listening to the dull sound is almost a world of ideas. Meanwhile, foreign countries have a series of videos and post, teaches you how to pick a good melon, including tapping technique instructions, and more.

买西瓜先敲敲,意大利人不高兴了 - 西瓜 - IT资讯






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