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aaa published in(发表于) 2013/12/13 10:13:41 Edit(编辑)
History the first web banner ads,

History the first web banner ads,(历史上第一个网络横幅广告,)

History the first web banner ad-web banner ads, online advertising-IT information History the first web banner advertising

20 years ago, on October 27, 1994, the first-ever online banner ads on Over the next four months, people who see the ads online, 44% clicks on it.

▲ Now web banner ad 1000 to see its people is only about four clicks

Because I'm the author of this ad, I am often asked: why it is able to achieve that kind of success? You know, network banner ad 1000 to see them now is only about four per cent of people click. In other words, why do our advertising shows 10 times to get clicks than ad clicks also acquired shown 10,000 times higher? How on earth did we do it?

▲ October 27, 1994 the first web banner advertising

As you can see, this modern compared to banner ads have three advantages: it is part of an integrated marketing campaign; it was a wonderful experience (rather than as a pure information) it was based solely on consumer goodwill created.

In the two years before the appearance of this ad, our customers, t, launched a future technological miracle-themed advertising campaign plan, called "you will." Some television advertisements are like this, you received a screen ask: have you had finished it non-stop toll payment experience? When you drive a car, can be viewed on the Dashboard screen map? You don't have to go to the library to borrow books from 3,000 miles away, please? , And so on. The ads end with a promise: "you will."

If you have the benefit of hindsight, you might think these ads are like a vague commitment to t for each of these ads to pay $ 50 million to television, radio and print.

Today, "You Will," commitments have been made in the ad becomes a reality. But in 1994, passing them information that seemed so absurd, but almost irrelevant. AT&T asked us to create a "you will" forms of advertising experience and making it immediately becomes a reality. They asked us to show consumers that the revolutionary power of the Internet, as well as the AT&T's ability to help them to benefit from.

We know that the AT&T Web page banner ad appears on for zongyi channel, and know that the Internet has brought people to places they have never been to the magic abilities. So, we decided to create one of the world's great museums--including the Louvre, the United States Library of Congress and the Andy Warhol Museum (Andy Warhol Museum) – virtual tour. Although I have been a member of the creative team, the experience still leaves me surprised. I've never been to France, but I like immersive, see portraits of Mona Lisa. Then I went to Pittsburgh to see Warhol's work.

Of course, this quality of experience to be better than just buying a large book. But some things are more important than this (for me). I have control over it. When I click on Web page links, I feel like saying: "open sesame". I have the ability to make your dreams come true. Today, if anyone is willing to take the time to please consumers, giving them access to a fantastic and transformative experience? I do not think.

In 1994, making good advertising easier than it is now. At that time, the HotWired at only 6 advertisers worldwide. Supply of innovative advertisement talents far exceeded the needs of advertisers. In about two years, a lot of us in the field of digital advertising has created some of the most amazing experiences in your career.

However, it seems overnight, great changes have taken place in the world. Surge in Internet advertising, almost flooded. Advertising demand growth and advertising talent can not synchronize with growth, speed and low cost substitute for talent and that became the most important works in advertising, quality standards. Since then, a lot of bad, bad ads violated people's appetite.

However, we also learned lessons. We are learning to marketing, the first lesson is to put customers first. Advertising is not the future of yell at consumers. We have time and time again to be told the truth. Now, we need to listen to the first Web page banner ads for our lesson, we must say to the consumer: "How can I help you? ”


历史上第一个网络横幅广告 - 网络横幅广告,网络广告 - IT资讯






在这个广告亮相两年之前,我们的客户,AT&T公司,启动了一个以未来科技奇迹为主题的广告活动计划,叫做"you will"。其中有些电视广告是这样的,屏幕中的人向你发问:你有过不停车就完成通行费支付的经历吗?你驾驶汽车时能够在仪表盘屏幕上查看地图吗?你无需出门就能从3000英里外的图书馆借阅书籍吗?等等。这些广告的结尾是同一个承诺:“you will”。


今天,“You Will”广告中所作的承诺已成为现实。但在1994年,它们传递的信息显得那么荒诞得,而且几乎无关紧要。AT&T要求我们创造一种“you will”式的广告体验,并使它立即成为现实。他们要求我们向消费者证明互联网的革命性力量,以及AT&T帮助他们从中获益的能力。

我们知道AT&T网页横幅广告将出现在hotwired.com的综艺频道中,并知道互联网具有将人们带往他们从未去过的地方的神奇能力。所以,我们决定创造一种对世界上最伟大的博物馆——包括卢浮宫、美国国会图书馆和安迪·沃霍尔博物馆(Andy Warhol Museum)——的虚拟之旅。尽管我一直是这个创意团队的一员,这种体验仍然让我感到吃惊。我从来没有去过法国,但我如同身临其境,亲眼观看了蒙娜丽莎的画像。然后我去匹兹堡看了沃霍尔的作品。






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