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delv published in(发表于) 2013/11/8 9:52:03 Edit(编辑)
The matrix! Chip implanted brain-mind control

The matrix! Chip implanted brain-mind control(黑客帝国到来!芯片植入脑 意念控制动作 )

The matrix! Chip implanted brain mind control |
IT information network On August 21, 2013

Refers to the most powerful computers in the world right now, I'm afraid a lot of people think of super computers. Simulate nuclear explosions, and solve the problem of end of the world, it sounds cool, but in reality is far away from our lives. We want to talk about today is not such a super machine, but can really change the way we live, making the future a tangible thing--chip instead of a human brain.

United States Science today published the report displays the contents of the Web site on a daily basis, Switzerland and the United States of neural information science researchers together, successfully developed a novel microchip process to simulate in real time the brain process information. The latest research will help scientists produce cognitive systems that interact with the surrounding environment in real time.

Major challenges to do this, it is configured by the network of artificial neurons, allow it to perform a specific task. Switzerland scientists have now succeeded in conquering the difficulties, they developed a Neuromorphic systems to perform complex sensory-motor tasks in real time, and use of the system, and demonstrates a need for short-term memory as well as the causes and consequences of the decision task, this task is indispensable for cognitive testing.

During the presentation, they will be merged into this artificial neurons capable of performing neural processing module network these processing module with the so-called "finite state machine", as the ability to formulate and therefore can use an automated way, be transferred to a Neuromorphic hardware. "Finite state machines" is a mathematical concept used to describe the logical process or computer program. Indiveri said: "this network connection is very similar to the pattern found in the mammalian brain structure. ”

This is the first time scientists show how to construct this real-time hardware neural processing systems. Indiveri concludes: "we developed a new method of Neuromorphic chips like ' Transformers ', construct different kinds of behavior patterns. New research is essential to develop new brain-inspired technology. "For example, the scientists were able to use this technology, the Neuromorphic chip with sensing element (for example, artificial cochlear or retinal detachment) together, to create a complex cognitive systems that interact with the surrounding environment in real time.

Because the Neuromorphic chip can handle input in real time and respond to information, and experts believe that this technique will hopefully towards practical, allow robots in complex environments, without human remote control for automatic job.

The use of this technology will also hopefully in the future and allow the computer to continue functioning if part is damaged, and like the human brain, the daily loss of millions of brain cells, but their overall thinking ability is continued normal operation.

Brain "power": email, play games, and TV

United States neural Dynamics expert at Brown University Professor yuehan·duonuogu after more than 10 years of painstaking research, developed a set of names for "brain" (BrainGate) Bionic systems. He first took a 4 mm square electronic chip implanted precentral gyrus of the cerebral motor cortex in patients with paralysis, because of the cerebral cortex controls movement of the body limbs. He then began training with the help of ideas to complete the action.

"Brain of door" system of work principle is: Dang patients began imagine themselves movement Shi, chip Shang total 100 gold than head hair also fine, and 1 mm long of electronic sensor will brain issued of pulse signal records down, then through a root root small of wire transmission to mosaic in patients scalp within of a a inches size of titanium base Shang, again will pulse signal through wire transmission to computer, computer will signal conversion into action directive, by one by one electronic device to Executive.

Duonuogu says: even if the damage to the spinal cord, and movement in the brain signals can be recorded and sent to the outside of the brain, and can be decoded into control signals. After obtaining this discovery, in the laboratory, research and testing of such devices, and finally decided to try this device to paralyzed people.

Since 2004, led by Professor duonuogu 4 patients with paralysis research group has been "brain" system test. First test objects are now 25 years old United States Massachusetts boy maxiu·nageer. Mr Nagel examined 3 years ago when participating in an assassination is a sharp knife to cut off the spine and paralyzed body from neck lost all feeling below, limbs are unable to move. After 9 months of hard training, Mr Nagel examined many previously watched helplessly as can be done through the ideas of actions: move cursor, open e-mail messages, play computer games, simply adjust the TV volume, switch channels, and so on. Recently, he even learned through mind control, fake finger, grasp and move objects this kind of stunt.

Multitasking, you chat without delay

Mr Nagel examined while chatting with others, with ideas to complete these various activities, even though occasionally some deserted, he moved his computer screen cursor's accuracy rate of up to 75% per cent, which means that Mr Nagel examined when the brain sends the movement does not need 100% focus, it is very important for his future life. In 2005, Mr Nagel examined after the initial successful trial excitedly said: "it's amazing! since I was injured, and whole depression for 2 years. This is the 3rd year I was injured, is ' mind ' changed all that, I can't believe it. I want to tell those friends with disabilities, never give up, life could be better. ”

Noteworthy is that not all subjects are so lucky as Mr Nagel examined. Another, aged 55, launched in 1999, was implanted in the brain of patients with spinal injuries "brain" system, a start can also use mind control movement, but less than one year to an electronic sensor will not be able to receive the signal to the brain. Scientists are now a thorough investigation into the cause of the failure.

In the 80 's cyberpunk science fiction, the so-called "neural implant", one computer is directly connected to the brain and stuff. After implanting electrodes in the skull, can alone in patients with brain signals to control artificial limbs.

Opened the prelude to a new scientific research, and the ultimate goal of this study is, bypass due to stroke, paralysis of limbs, brain of the effective implementation of the directive. Pass nerve signals from the brain to the outside world. Similarly, scientists are also studying how signals passing in the opposite direction, that is stimulated by electrical signals the monkey cerebral cortex, forming feedback, can monkeys really feel the machine arm is touching the stuff.

Development of human wisdom beyond the physical limits

However, during the manufacture of alternatives in other parts of the brain and nervous system, how far can we go yet? apart from the control computer pointers or manipulators,, this technique can be done a certain way, made approximately 100 billion neurons in the brain a "secret database", just like the novel's plot, used to store the stolen industrial secrets or other data about a table?

On human intelligence development beyond the physical limits of their dreams, there are a lot of scientists have been looking forward, our higher cognitive brain circuits of virtually nothing. Only by understanding the nervous system works, we can put information into the brain, which describes all the magic of the real saibopeng a reality.

However, the human mind, including daily our routine, emotional connection, or to the competent judge of the world, were simply copied directly to a machine to, I am afraid that is impossible to achieve something.

But really can enter the brain part of the war and peace, or, as in the matrix in the driving manual helicopter "Download" brain do? could party without case, stored in his memory, one sentence?

One might ask, what combination of brains and machines interact which change can bring to our lives. For example, technological developments today, using mind control robotic arms and a cursor on a computer screen, although such action is not so high, but at least you can lose some higher cognitive information in mind, it is an inevitable process of development?

Simple device that connected to the brain within the skull has been in existence for hundreds of thousands of people. Deafness and cochlear implantation in patients with severe impairment of hearing (the cochlea) and the collected sounds into a microphone to stimulate the auditory nerve signals, thereby creating artificial hearing. This unit is United States University of California at Santa Barbara, neuroscientist Michael · S · Gazzaniga (MichaelS.Gazzaniga) known as the first successful neural prosthetic devices in human history. Electrode arrays as artificial retina has been around in the laboratory. If this is feasible, it will let humans equipped with night vision capability.

Germany University of Tubingen niersi·baierbomo (NielsBirbaumer) is one of the leading researchers of the technology, he claimed, used magnetic signals outside the skull repeated stimulation of the cerebral cortex, with electrode caps record at which neurons are activated, you can find the "see" and "run" position on these words in the cerebral cortex. Once the mapping is set up, you can control the distribution of neurons in specific areas to induce a corresponding memory--at least in theory.

On Intelligent robot will be beyond human

In 2010, there a brain computer interfaces have triggered widespread concern, at that time it was the world's first machine can be entered for a human, it atresia syndrome and other diseases that have an impact on normal traffic with design. Brain computer, as the name suggests, experts hope they can simulate the entire human brain, combined with all of the information revealed so far about the mysteries of the brain operating mode, on the screen and copy the information, express the information of an individual cell and molecular level.

Collaborative working of the human brain--computer technology by a new technology called GugerTechnologies, build, named Intendix, through the EEG to identify characters on the screen, users need to be trained in about 10 minutes you can easily enter text.

Although it feels less convenient to use, Intendix is brain computer interface research and commercialization has taken a small step forward.

The European Union, the United States and Switzerland at present is in the process of developing neural network computer simulation of the brain process information, copying hopes to simulate biological neuron artificial intelligence system. This new type of computer "brain chips" is quite different from the traditional computer "brain chips". It can utilize similar neural computing method of the human brain, low-power and fault-tolerance is the big advantage compared to conventional digital computers, it will be highly intelligent, cognitive learning, self-organization, synthesis of fuzzy information processing will also be a major step forward.

But some people expressed concern about: the fitting of such chips on Intelligent robot will be beyond human and even pose a threat to humans?

Many scientists think that such worries are completely unnecessary. Intelligence, IQ is equivalent to 4-year-olds currently robot intelligence, robot's "common sense" came farther than healthy adults. United States scientists Robert b.Sloan recently said: "we will take a 8-year-olds able to answer complex questions, have knowledge of artificial intelligence program is still very far away. "Japan Hirose Mau male scientists agree that even robots with common sense in the future and be able to replicate itself, is unlikely to pose a threat to humans.

It is worth mentioning that, Zhou Haizhong, published in 1990, the Chinese scientists pointed out in an article on the robot: robot is not omnipotent; it can in terms of processing speed and memory function beyond human, but in terms of awareness, reasoning cannot be beyond human beings. In addition, robots will become "smart", but there can only be in accordance with the principles of the programme of action, serving mankind, for the benefit of mankind.

Experts hope capable of simulating the human brain as a whole, combined with all of the information revealed so far about the mysteries of the brain operating mode, on the screen and copy the information, express the information of an individual cell and molecular level. By extension, will be able to bring more medical help. Such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, could even reveal how the human brain to think and make decisions, understanding like this fatal neurological disease with the help of revolutionary.

Integration of man and machine, end human civilization

Apart from the above, I have to say is the recently implemented information in human brain reading technology, the research team from the University of California information read accuracy rates of up to 90% of the human brain, common in science fiction movies of the "mind-reading" seems to become a reality. Auxiliary equipment and the technology is not only in language has enormous potential and providing groundwork for brain-machine system, provides a new model for artificial intelligence research.

Apple recently mired in China factory problems, and had created a sensation a dozen Foxconn even jumping tragedy, GOU introduced millions of robots on the combination of news, artificial intelligence, robots could replace humans, though not alarmist, but it is also worth thinking about the problem. Recent United States scientists on the machine read the study of brain activity, provides a new way of thinking for the development of artificial intelligence:-mechanical systems of the brain, the computer by reading the instructions of the human brain. You can solve the problem of working conditions, and they are not so many workers were laid off.

Some scientists believe, as one on Astrophysics invalidates any law of Physics "singularity" (Singularity), information technology is moving towards "superhuman intelligence", "singularity". The Times article noted that the inventor, computer scientist and leimengde·kuziweier believe that singular points of information technology came in 2045, when artificial intelligence will surpass human brains, completely change the meaning of humanity, integration with the machine as "superhuman", and gained through the development of science and technology "eternal life".

When artificial intelligence beyond human wisdom, human body, mind, and even human civilization will be completely and irreversibly altered. Kurzweil believes that this moment is not only inevitable, but also will be needed. According to his calculations, about 34 years later, integration of human and machine, human civilization is coming to an end.

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