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published in(发表于) 2016/6/19 10:57:32 Edit(编辑)
Warcraft movie above 1.3 billion at the box office, the players credited,

Warcraft movie above 1.3 billion at the box office, the players credited,(《魔兽》电影票房破13亿,中国玩家功不可没,)



Warcraft movie above 1.3 billion at the box office, the players credited-world of Warcraft movies, Wow-IT information

IT news , June 19, announced today movies Warcraft official micro-blog, the film has exceeded 1.3 billion mark at the box office.

Warcraft movie to have such an outstanding player, China's box office success is inseparable from the support of watercress, the film score as high as 8 points (out of 10), and United States rating on the website rotten tomatoes, only 27% (out of 100%). Its domestic box office are well beyond the foreign box office, the film grossed only $ 24.1661 million in North America the first week (equivalent to about 159 million yuan).

It is learned that Chinese Warcraft players it is estimated that about 10 million people, is in the midst of the world's 100 million Warcraft players, at least 10% from China.

After the legendary East Studios CEO Luo Yiceng said, Warcraft hot performance in the domestic market, decided it would have led to the second, but would not come soon.

《魔兽》电影票房破13亿,中国玩家功不可没 - 魔兽电影,魔兽 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 6月19日消息,今日电影《魔兽》官方微博宣布,本片的票房已正式突破13亿大关。




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