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published in(发表于) 2016/3/8 8:38:45 Edit(编辑)
People’s daily fast play “the tone“? Trying to! ,

People’s daily fast play “the tone“? Trying to! ,(人民日报给快播案“定调”?,想多了!,)



People's daily fast play "the tone"? Want more! -Fast play, fast play, the people's daily-IT information

Central media is impossible and not necessary for specific case "tone," and deliberately "tone" in the new media field also throws people off. If someone is a stark reality, exaggerating his feathers, are fooling themselves.

Not known for fast play in open court and live the Haidian Court, there is no surprise, in short, public hearing public discussions, broadcast over the Internet faster 2016 opened the first case. Performance in court by the prosecution, completely inspired public passion for openness and transparency. No matter how the final verdict, we to the Haidian District people's Court showed "visible procedural justice" like, this is what a vivid image of the Franco-Prussian class!

Around the case itself, fast play and their managers whether or not convicted how sentencing, and already there are many opinions on the media market. Several central-level media published the statements because their "authority" is particularly interesting. Daily client the fast play defense eloquently, is not worthy of applause, and published by the Xinhua News Agency, the client regardless of whether the broadcast is guilty, to "justify right" was greeted with applause, and comments from different aspects, the title appears to be tit-soon online there have been two major central media "pinch each other" argument.

Different from the General news, news comments on the news Express, unequivocally show opinion and not shy away from view, is the basic requirement for a review. The same news, people observed from different angles, to the fact that the tendency to judge different interests different footing, it will have a different point of view, the central media is no exception. If one or more central media's attitudes towards one and the same case is surprisingly consistent, it is dubious whether they "prior ventilation", or "prompt". There are differences now comment on the people's daily and Xinhua News Agency, is a sign of media ideas back to normal.

Because first of all that people's daily commentary published online newspaper appeared to quickly broadcast case "tone" argument, then it was "bold" guess fast play result has already been fixed, defendants have been lost. If there is no later, Xinhua News Agency published the article "cross-pinch", which may have a very large market. During the rule of law today, people still believe in one or two articles from case "tone" is undoubtedly inappropriate. In this regard, we should thank the two major central media offer different points of view to the public, their differential expression that no broadcast of who tried to "tone".

However, we did experience one or two articles for justice "tone". Published articles for the case of "tone" used to be one of the leading cadres of the ignorance of the law means of interference in the administration of Justice. Party newspapers and journals should be the mouthpiece of the party and the people, in the eyes of some officials, you become their mouthpiece. Arrangements published an article to a case in point, pressure on the judicial institutions should not, cannot adhere to the principle of judicial independence of judges, from the "mouthpiece" of the "tone" implicit understanding trial results in the article "will" go in the direction of.

Just because one or two articles on the case "tone" phenomenon, historically long-standing, still worries about the media's idea would give the case "tone". This fear even without real basis, but still have reason to pay attention to. A is, part people on judicial just of confidence still insufficient, think many case still is through from superior of "tone" to trial of; II is, despite objective Shang has no has "tone" of possibilities, but some traditional media of editing personnel by inertia effect, articles read up also is to people feel to "tone"; three is, trial personnel not consciously to was some source "authority" of views by effect.

As the mouthpiece of the party and the people, Central media attitudes towards national policies is, of course, to be consistent, but for specific events, including court cases, there is not the same as the view is normal. Different views on the mainstream media, and indeed there are different opinions of the masses of feedback. Central media is impossible and not necessary for specific case "tone," and deliberately "tone" in the new media field also throws people off. If someone is a stark reality, exaggerating his feathers, are fooling themselves.

人民日报给快播案“定调”? 想多了! - 快播案,快播,人民日报 - IT资讯









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