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published in(发表于) 2016/6/16 6:46:46 Edit(编辑)
Transformers take a VR movie? The Autobots fight the Decepticons in sight,

Transformers take a VR movie? The Autobots fight the Decepticons in sight,(《变形金刚》要拍VR电影?汽车人抗击霸天虎近在眼前,)



Transformers take a VR movie? The Autobots fight the Decepticons in sight-transformers, VR, virtual reality-IT information

On June 16, according to technology website CNET reported, says the movie transformers, I'm afraid you've ever imagined myself in battlefield scenes side by side with the Autobots fight the Decepticons. Now, this seemingly impossible wish is about to come true.

As the transformers, and the discovery duomingdao and force of the Jedi summer action movie director Michael Bay (Michael Bay) has a Los Angeles Movie Studio named The Rogue Initiative partnership, they will work together in the future to create VR movies.

As we all know, Michael Bay (the nickname wonder boy) movies are always filled with explosions, sand flying, slow-motion and close-up of hot fighting, if using VR technology to pull users into movies, presumably to get the shocking real-life experience.

However, The Rogue Initiative have not revealed their VR film techniques. In addition, the VR from Michael Bay wrote the film will come out is unknown. But the company said it "now has a number of films are in production. ”

If you really can experience the fun of fighting in slow motion, every audience will surge of adrenaline.

《变形金刚》要拍VR电影?汽车人抗击霸天虎近在眼前 - 变形金刚,VR,虚拟现实 - IT资讯


作为《变形金刚》、《勇闯夺命岛》和《绝地战警》等暑期动作大片的导演,迈克尔·贝(Michael Bay)近日与洛杉矶一家名为The Rogue Initiative的电影工作室达成合作,未来他们将一同打造VR电影。


不过,The Rogue Initiative工作室暂时未透露他们打造VR电影的技术手法。此外,出自迈克尔·贝手笔的VR电影何时能够面世也是未知数。不过该公司称“现在已经有多部影片正在制作中。”


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