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published in(发表于) 2016/4/27 6:24:09 Edit(编辑)
Chinese President visits University of science and technology of China, say hello to the robot,

Chinese President visits University of science and technology of China, say hello to the robot,(习近平主席考察中国科技大学,机器人向其问好,)



Chinese President visits University of science and technology of China, say hello to the robot-XI Jinping, Chinese University of science and technology, robots-IT information

The morning of 26th, XI Jinping to the China Science and Technology University Institute of advanced technology, watching the high-tech enterprise of scientific and technological achievements exhibit. Intelligent voice, intelligent robots, equipment manufacturing, such as new energy, new materials, bio-medicine, wisdom area, General Secretary of personnel cordial exchanges with research institutes and enterprises, asking research progress, achievements, prospects, and so on.

Beijing-Shanghai trunk Canal in Quantum Communications Center, academician Pan Jianwei was introduced. Quantum communications research and development work, General Secretary, said: "very promising, very important. " XI Jinping said these results show you in terms of development of new industries fast, large, success is obvious. Scientific and technological personnel, General Secretary said that Hefei this place is "dependant", has nurtured so many talented and creative world. Hope you continue, more individually. Have a nice innovation.

XI Jinping: open innovation

XI Jinping, talking with technicians at the China Science and Technology University Institute of advanced technology, stressed that innovation in five new development concept of the first. China's economic development has entered a new norm, must be addressed with new kinetic energy to promote development. Rely on innovation and increasing innovation content, to high-end industrial upgrading. XI noted that China's economy to the current size, technological innovation is totally dependent on foreign countries is unsustainable. We unwaveringly adhere to the open strategy, but must push forward independent innovation in the open.

Robot "little man" and "good" say hello to XI

Watching the high-tech companies at the exhibition of the achievements of science and technology, the General Secretary went before joining HKUST in booth, a round head round robot brain says, "Hello, General Secretary, I was small, we already look forward to your coming, I am also very pleased to be able to join the process of achieving the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. "Robot Allison says:" so happy to see beloved General Secretary. Allison wish General Secretary happy. "Research introduced the speech synthesis technology, XI asked the simulation rate, cost about business prospects. General Secretary of this technology in speech translation, bilingual education, foreign exchanges and cooperation have been achieved results positively. XI stressed that the new industry development impressive, hope your business is thriving.

General Secretary's message college students: enhancing cultural confidence

The afternoon of April 26, XI, General Secretary of China University of science and technology library study room. See General Secretary, students gathered around, vying with regards to General Secretary. "Where is home? One to Hefei on University parents trust you? "" Defense class how many of them? Admissions were directed at you? "" To support education in the Western region this year have deep, right? Children in rural areas, do not forget the original intention. "" Study in the library think atmosphere is very good, right? Also early to grab a seat? "General Secretary of students around with happy talk. All your words made me answer the questions put forward by General Secretary, about his life at the University, said the goal of life.

Listening to students, the General Secretary said, more manpower and more of China's population in the past, is now transformed into a talent. Building a manufacturing powerhouse, realize "two 100 year" goal, education is the Foundation. Our building world-class universities, developing world-class talent is full of confidence. Our mind is open, fully inclusive-inclusive. Happiness is not from heaven, of the achievements of the Chinese people's great, belittling ourselves and make unremitting efforts. Young people in school without distraction, learn martial arts, to serve the motherland and the people, to serve the nation. Students learn it!

He encouraged students: do things in life

University of science and technology library, China room, General Secretary of the Institute of national defense students hear Shao Yunfei plans to ask yourself after graduation, firmly answered: "subject distribution of the motherland! "The General Secretary asked him:" the future was determined to be a General? "Shao Yunfei said:" ordinary do their job on the line. "General Secretary approval:" do work, down-to-earth person. "Get out of the library, packed with hundreds of teachers and students on both sides of the road, braved the rain to say goodbye to General Secretary. XI Jinping, shook hands with them. Teachers and students sing University School song of the eternal easterly, echoing voice.

习近平主席考察中国科技大学,机器人向其问好 - 习近平,中国科技大学,机器人 - IT资讯












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