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published in(发表于) 2016/6/13 11:15:18 Edit(编辑)
NBA Golden State Warriors: a real “team of Silicon Valley“

NBA Golden State Warriors: a real “team of Silicon Valley“(NBA勇士队:一支不折不扣的“硅谷球队”,)



NBA Golden State Warriors: a real "team of Silicon Valley"-NBA, warriors, Silicon Valley-IT information

"Hi! Did the game last night? ”

"See, Ah! Curry's performance was incredible! ”

In the Silicon Valley area, such a dialogue can be heard everywhere. Fighting was going on the NBA Finals, this year once again into the final of the defending champion Braves, became the new darling of Silicon Valley.

Not afraid of failure, fight, break with tradition, these Silicon Valley seems to be dripping in this team who are also fine, might say, injected new vitality into the Silicon Valley for the Warriors, and warriors in turn further stimulated the spirit of Silicon Valley.

Every Braves home games, people in Silicon Valley by various technology companies converge to the same target location---in Silicon Valley, the Northeast's Oracle Auckland Stadium, is the home of the Braves, game day, the pitch becomes a golden sea. Finals tickets people can show off the capital of Silicon Valley, nature almost as their startups into the series a investments, more than the first 1 million user milestone events.

"Warrior" has become an important part of many people in life, busy every day after work, they are most concerned about the Braves ' games record. This season, the Braves created a stunning regular-season record of 73 WINS, eclipsing the previous peak of the bulls keep the single regular season WINS record 72 games.

Actually, Warriors team of fans can was clear to divided for two dial people: a dial is died loyalty of old fans, experience had warriors years of nationality nationality unknown, and in recent years of rise and eventually of boarded peak, another a dial is is new fans, they is just came to Silicon Valley of new, many came to Silicon Valley work or venture of people, naturally on became has Warriors team of fans, in recent years Warriors team record good, more is attract has more such of new fans joined.

But both new fans and old fans, do not prevent them from cheering for the Braves at home, turning the home into NBA all 32 teams at home in the League's largest stadium. Whether entrepreneurs, investors, executives of both companies or startups small engineer, all in the same night, the same place, to enjoy the same fun, fun other than technology and entrepreneurship.

Talk about the Warriors, has become a Valley a way to greet people naturally, also a good way to become a closer relationship between strangers. Warriors may also inadvertently contributed to a number of investment transactions in complete mystery, because in addition to field the ball outside, bars and restaurants, is also becoming an important venue where entrepreneurs and investors can sit together in a more relaxed and happy atmosphere.

Silicon Valley needs a Team Warrior, unknown flow from the Union side, to become the hottest NBA Champion, not as in venture circles, turned out a piece of Unicorn do?

In fact, the Braves success, isn't a typical venture capital success stories? The Warriors boss, the well-known venture KPCB partner Joe Lacob,5 years ago for $ 450 million to buy majority ownership of the Braves, according to Forbes magazine's estimate, the Braves now valued at $ 1.9 billion, from a VC perspective, this is a return on investment of more than 4 times the success of investment.

So Warriors team has can was called is a support letter of "Silicon Valley team": is located in Silicon Valley area, has General of from Silicon Valley of fans, money from Silicon Valley, used with venture company small and fine, and open and welcomes external advisory of management way, more important of, Warriors team also hopes with here tens of thousands of entrepreneurs of venture passion, because they in venture process in the by encountered of all excited, and setbacks, and suspected, and insisted, and and failed and success, are can in that shout sound versus of stadium in wanton to vent.

NBA勇士队:一支不折不扣的“硅谷球队” - NBA,勇士队,硅谷 - IT资讯











实际上,勇士队的成功,又何尝不是一个典型的风险投资的成功案例?勇士队的老板、知名风投机构KPCB的合伙人Joe Lacob,5年前以4.5亿美元买下勇士队的大部分所有权,根据《福布斯》杂志的估算,勇士队如今的价值在19亿美元,从风投的角度来看,这是一笔投资回报超过4倍的成功投资。


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