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published in(发表于) 2016/8/2 11:00:42 Edit(编辑)
Sogou 2016 Q2 earnings: net profit of 220 million Yuan, rose 30%,

Sogou 2016 Q2 earnings: net profit of 220 million Yuan, rose 30%,(搜狗2016年Q2财报:净利2.2亿元,同比增30%,)



Sogou 2016 Q2 earnings: net profit of 220 million Yuan, rose 30%-sogou sogou search-IT information

On August 1, dog company today announced as of June 30, 2016 fiscal second-quarter earnings. Reported dog the second quarter, non-United States GAAP net profit of 220 million Yuan, an increase of 30% and revenues of 1.15 billion yuan, an increase of 27%.

Sogou says in the second quarter, sogou search exclusive content advantages are continuously consolidated and enhanced, as well as leading sogou search mobile traffic and revenue increase. Results showed that dog found near 80% mobile search traffic compared to last year, contributes to the overall search revenue increased from 24% in the same period last year to nearly half.

The second quarter, "Wei Zexi incident" effects, dog health search launched a prescribed medical search channel. Encompasses everything from Wikipedia, know and lilac park sites such as the true authority of medical knowledge, and shows with no commercials.

With Microsoft's Bing search engine sogou cooperated in English, academic search, sogou search results integration of Bing's high quality English Web page information and academic information. Online since 2 months, English language and academic growth in search 60%.

搜狗2016年Q2财报:净利2.2亿元,同比增30% - 搜狗,搜狗搜索 - IT资讯





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