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India banned the Google car Street, worry about endangering national security,

India banned the Google car Street, worry about endangering national security,(印度禁止谷歌小车拍街景,担心危害国家安全,)



India banned the Google car Street, worry about endangering national security-Google Street view, India-IT information

On June 11, according to foreign reports, the India Government for national security reasons, rejected Google's street view mapping the South Asian country plans to map.

Google Street view services is the virtual mapping tool, you can let users 360-degree view of any place on the map of panorama and photos of the street. The service has now been extended to more than 65 countries.

So far, India street view mapping only the main landmarks and scenic spots, such as the Taj Mahal city of Agra and Mumbai, India, and not like in the United Kingdom and the United States taking Street photographs.

Although Google has pictures of people face, vehicle licence plates and other sensitive information to do a blur, but India's security agencies and the Defense Department is still shooting against Google Street view.

"Our main concern is security of sensitive defence facility. Defence Minister has said that once the Google Street view service is started, we cannot monitor its activity. This will be harmful to our national security. "A senior government official said.

Earlier, Mumbai suffered terrorist attacks. In January of this year, patankete military base was attacked by terrorists. Investigators believe that the terrorists through the Google map services are familiar with the layout of the air base.

Google Street view in Europe (including the United Kingdom and the Czech Republic and Germany) also had a similar disapproval. In these countries, with privacy-conscious community asked Google to blur pictures of their homes.

In 2013, Germany Hamburg data protection authorities is also punished Google $ 189,225. European authorities also stipulates that Google's street view bicycles and cars during the filming of people's homes, you should first inform them.

Since its launched the street view service, Google has mapped some of the world's most famous ancient sites, including the Giza pyramids and the ancient city of Petra; as well as some natural landscape, such as the underwater fauna of the Galapagos Islands and the Cook Islands. These initiatives have greatly raised people's awareness of environmental protection. Recently, Google Street view mapping Brazil city of Rio de Janeiro's Olympic Stadium.

Google said it had not yet received India authorities banned the service of formal notice.

印度禁止谷歌小车拍街景,担心危害国家安全 - 谷歌街景,印度 - IT资讯











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