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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/5/27 8:47:20 Edit(编辑)
Lee Kun-hee, Samsung’s Chairman, has regained consciousness,

Lee Kun-hee, Samsung’s Chairman, has regained consciousness,(三星董事长李健熙已恢复意识,)

Samsung-Samsung Chairman Lee Kun-hee has returned to consciousness, Lee Kun-hee-IT news Samsung Chairman Lee Kun-hee had regained consciousness

May 26 afternoon News, fell into a coma more than two weeks ago Samsung Electronics Chairman Lee Kun-hee has now regained consciousness, doctors also said that his current physical condition is improving.

Responsible for the treatment of Lee Kun-hee of Samsung Medical Center said in a statement released on Sunday, he can react to various stimuli. The Center said: "Judging from his neurological recovery has, he hopes to regain cognitive abilities. His heart, lungs and other organs functioning properly. ”

The hospital spokesman said early Monday that, ever since its recovery over the weekend, Lee Kun-hee's condition remained stable. But the hospital declined to say whether Lee can talk.

Lee Kun-hee May 10, difficulty in breathing and was rushed to a hospital near his home. Lee Kun-hee had symptoms symptoms of sudden cardiac arrest, doctors tried cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Samsung medical center executives said Lee Kun-hee's family on Sunday in the room watching the Samsung Lions baseball game, team Lee Seung-yeop hit homers and excitement the intolerable, is making the noise. At the time, Lee Kun-hee suddenly opened his eyes. Samsung Lions team finally won the day's race.

However, Lee Kun-hee after regaining consciousness would be disappointed in Samsung Electronics shares. Early this week, Samsung's share price was down by 0.9%, worse than the broader market. On May 12, Lee Kun-hee in hospital and lost consciousness after the first day, Samsung's share price tumbled by more than 4% because of restructuring rumors.


三星董事长李健熙已恢复意识 - 三星,李健熙 - IT资讯





三星医疗中心的管理者表示,李健熙的家人上周日在病房中观看三星狮子队的棒球比赛时,由于队员Lee Seung-yeop打出了本垒打而兴奋难耐、发出噪音。就在那时,李健熙突然睁开双眼。三星狮子队最终也赢得了当天的比赛。



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