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published in(发表于) 2016/6/10 9:35:06 Edit(编辑)
Us all of a sudden stop: Central America’s first high-speed rail projects to yellow,

Us all of a sudden stop: Central America’s first high-speed rail projects to yellow,(美方突然中止:中美首个高铁合作项目要黄,)



Us all of a sudden stop: Central America's first high-speed rail project to yellow-HSR-IT information

On Thursday, the US company said that termination of the high-speed rail project agreement signed with China in September last year.

According to the Wall Street Journal reported that United States private railway company Western Express (XpressWest) said on Thursday that joint venture with China railway international building, connecting Las Vegas and Los Angeles railway project will not proceed. The company will continue to look for other partners and cooperation, to promote a railway project.

XpressWest Chief Executive Tony Marnell said in a statement, the project's biggest obstacle comes from the United States Federal Government provides high-speed trains must be in the United States manufacturing. He also urged the Government to adopt "more flexible and realize ways to support the construction of high-speed rail project".

Xinhua News Agency, citing a Chinese Railways responsible for the joint venture international Manager said, XpressWest released this statement very suddenly, and it is irresponsible, and said it would spare no effort to safeguard the interests of China railway international.

He also added that this unilateral declaration violated the cooperation framework agreement signed by the parties, that is, without the party's consent, the other side should not disclose related information.

Last September, China railway International (United States) limited and United States XpressWest said in a joint statement, will form a joint venture company to speed up start high-speed rail project connecting Las Vegas and Los Angeles. About 370-kilometre high-speed rail, the initial investment of 100 million US dollars, and construction was scheduled to start in September 2016. Statement said the venture decision was United States XpressWest a brilliant point to years of outstanding work performance, the project was "a model and example of international cooperation".

Turbulent news has reported that this is the United States the first high-speed railway construction project costing a total investment of 12.7 billion US dollars. This high-speed rail projects have been negotiating for years.

This news was announced on September 17, just before President XI Jinping of China to the United States for a State visit (September 22-September 25) a few days ago.

According to the previous introduction to the Joint Declaration, express companies in the West are subordinate Ma Cornell companies, a private high-speed intercity passenger rail company, since its inception in 2005, has been committed to developing high-speed passenger lines connecting Las Vegas to Los Angeles.

China railway International (United States) Limited is a limited liability company incorporated in Nevada, the company is owned by the Chinese company, namely: China railway International Limited, China Railway Corporation, China (9.460, -0.03,-0.32%) built in Qingdao Sifang limited, (United States) and China railway signal and communication International Ltd.

美方突然中止:中美首个高铁合作项目要黄 - 高铁 - IT资讯



XpressWest首席执行长Tony Marnell在声明中说道,这一项目最大的阻碍来自于美国联邦政府规定高速列车必须在美国制造。他同时还敦促政府应采取“更加灵活和实现的方式来支持高铁项目的建设”。







中国铁路国际(美国)有限公司是在内华达州注册成立的一家有限责任公司,该公司由各中国公司组成,即:中国铁路国际有限公司、中国铁路总公司、中国中车(9.460, -0.03,-0.32%)青岛四方有限公司、中建(美国)公司和中国铁路通信信号国际有限公司。

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