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published in(发表于) 2013/11/12 12:32:26 Edit(编辑)
Kill Lenovo when laodadaier planned 2000-retail stores

Kill Lenovo when laodadaier planned 2000-retail stores(干掉联想当老大 戴尔计划新增2000家零售店 )

Kill Lenovo when planning new laodadaier 2000 retail stores – Dell, PC-IT information Kill Lenovo when laodadaier planned 2000/retail stores

According to United States BusinessWeek reported, after a year of effort, Michael Dell, Dell finally completed the privatization process of the same name. Now, Dell and private-equity firm Silver Lake capital will focus on changing corporate decline. Under the conditions of global PC downturn, Dell is still make a difference, but not every market it can play--particularly its wanted to establish a series of franchise stores in China.

Dell tries to overtake Lenovo to become the world's largest PC manufacturers, plans to market new 2000 retail stores in China, the number grew nearly 25%, involving a total of 600 Chinese cities. Dell is intended to move by expanding sales while the initiatives also show Dell's last "high profile" policy change, low margin business back to its line of sight. Although it has to be done, but the harsh realities of the PC market has not changed. Gartner report shows that in 2011, shipments of PC World's top 12% reduction in the following year, however, fell to 322 million units. Dell earnings that showed August, PC sales fell 5%, and revenues of $ 9.1 billion.

Gartner analysis report also showed that the Chinese market last year, Lenovo has about one-third market share, followed by Dell accounted for 8.4%, and this figure rose to 10.1% in the third quarter, significantly better than the 6.8% of the competitors HP and ASUS. Dell better thanks to its good relationship with Government and the robustness of the business relationship.

On the Chinese market, PC shipments for several quarters in a row of decline than the third quarter of last year, among other things, was a significant decline of 16.7%. Comes from the depressed economy on the one hand, on the other hand, China 90%-cent wealthiest cities, PC ownership is nearing saturation. Dell itself, buynow sales staff in Beijing said, Dell's most popular products are XPS12 as well as the spirit of the 7,000, will cost about $ 500. Associate and compare products of similar configurations, Lenovo cheaper.

Currently, Dell said the most urgent of which is a wide range of issues, its customers are buying PC-based two-thirds. Dell PC will serve as a platform to customers sell processors, data centers, storage, and network components. Dell insiders, while Lenovo has started out with some heavy expansion of sales in China, but it has yet to dominate, so Dell's opportunities are still available.


干掉联想当老大 戴尔计划新增2000家零售店 - 戴尔,PC - IT资讯
干掉联想当老大 戴尔计划新增2000家零售店







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