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published in(发表于) 2016/6/10 9:01:17 Edit(编辑)
Dragon Boat Festival rice dumpling business you don’t know,

Dragon Boat Festival rice dumpling business you don’t know,(端午节,那些你不知道的粽子生意,)



The Dragon Boat Festival, those dumplings you don't know business – Dragon Boat Festival, dumplings-IT information

Wufangzhai, really really old on behalf of "zongzi jiaxing" accounted for 40% of the dumplings in China market share.

Dumplings, is equated with the Dragon Boat Festival foods. But the customs, dumplings are also flavor: flowers from Yunnan ham and rice dumplings to small scilloides glutinous rice dumplings in the North, and then to Starbucks ice cast of stars ... ... Because people everywhere is another man's poison, China dominated the dumplings. If you want to say, Fang, one of five, the annual output of more than 300 million dumplings business, leads, including really old (with an annual output of over 100 million), dumplings, "jiaxing" charge to the national market, jiaxing accounted for zongzi 40% share of the market. According to jiaxing daily reported, before the Dragon Boat Festival this year, wufangzhai dumplings produced 1.6 million a day, also in short supply.

Dragon Boat Festival is still a week away, North to Royal Park Daoxiang village, southern savory dumplings of Shanghai zhujiajiao, Suzhou long Jean rice dumplings, has already lined up cargo team. Dumplings, and closely related to the seasonal food, ushered in a prime sales period of the year.

Tongue on China, tongue on the Festival. Therefore, the Dragon Boat Festival, our business topics, to talk about the dumplings.

4,000 years of Chinese culture, each holiday celebration varies in different regions, feeding practices, poor ingredients, but the same, regardless of each Festival, many people can use the food to stand up. The Dragon Boat Festival, are rice dumplings. Flowers from Yunnan ham small scilloides glutinous rice dumplings to the North, then to Starbucks ice star cast in sweet and salty party party's debate, each shape of zongzi, are almost completely developed.

A dumplings can have a lot of energy? Said these words before, you may wish to review before the Ching Ming Festival this year Shanghai "net red" Green Group, some Queuing even at 6 hours purchased. A box of 6 Green Group 48 Yuan, 200 Yuan by scalpers scrambled to a box, worth over 4 times.

King also jujube cakes in Beijing, before moving in a lot of customers waiting to buy a farewell, a line three or four hours a day just to buy one last time, founder Amy before the move has received thousands of calls, which have more than more than 200 wanted to talk about investment and cooperation.

The food is what matters to the people, this is the power of food. But neither green nor the King of jujube cakes, after all, still can not make a large-scale business. Green Group in particular, most seasonal food, it always only in the Festival before erupting into the pan. What do they give Diners flock? The sustainable development of the food industry and how to keep his?

Dumplings, also face the same problem. But existing dumplings producer, has also developed various business channels.

"King of the dumplings" are "big business"

New to Beijing, one of the largest fruit wholesale merchandise distribution center. Here, as well a large number of dumplings gift wholesale business this year. They also put their breadth of information published on the 58 market with a view to obtaining more buy and wholesale customers.

The dumplings here gift packaging, are mostly from the Tao Heung Village, wufangzhai, really really old, think all users are very familiar with the brand. Lee is new, as the company sells dumplings. In addition to wufangzhai, also some COFCO, the first farmers in the packing of dumplings, dumplings and Moscow restaurant. Wait until the day before the Dragon Boat Festival, his little boxed rice dumplings, mainly left the Moscow restaurant, packed in a box of six or seven pieces of rice dumplings he gave is the price of 50 Yuan. "Are factory direct. "He said. Meanwhile, he also recommends farmers gift card denomination ranging from hundreds of thousands of Yuan, and also can be printed on a variety of greetings.

"Now or send cards mostly. Or send. "He said. After all, rice dumplings, other card to buy more products.

Buy wholesale market in China the common branding, jiaxing dumplings most well-known brand. Wufangzhai is well-known trademarks in China, dumplings of the brand is the country's most influential companies, and jiaxing famous dumplings.

Being a Chinese brand, wufangzhai business, starting from the 20 's of the last century. Rice dumpling business, has always been a low threshold, big, small. Want big, raw material and geographical constraints that must be overcome. Wufangzhai can do now, is relying on a huge family. Looking for raw material supply throughout the country, actively sponsors various cultural activities to expand the brand influence of Dragon Boat Festival, as well as through sales network building, mechanization and mass production, gift development, wufangzhai successfully to expand into a national brand. Even as far away as Beijing, wufangzhai and also Tao Heung Village rival, became frequent visitors to the major supermarkets.

Without greater resources and financial support, become many brands big restrictions. The common commercial brand, from three to miss, wufangzhai Daoxiang village, is not a comprehensive large-scale food producers, is the old brand.

In jiaxing and wufangzhai cognate of "really old", although time wufangzhai late start, but also expanding, went to the big road. In jiaxing, "really old" local popularity and taste, after becoming wufangzhai dumplings of the second well-known local brands. In order to grow, it also introduces outside capital. In 2015, Huang Huang on Foods Corporation acquired 67% shares of really old, enterprise management and its capital, sales channels, brand management, bring in really really old.

At present, the dumplings in the market in the country, jiaxing dumplings 40% market share. And these large manufacturers and brands, became national supermarkets and wholesale markets and the high speed rail shop regulars, holiday gift of choice.

These are "big business", but now, compared to the landscape of the past, but slightly inferior.

Huzhou pillow cast photo:

In recent years, the dumplings from holiday gift platform slowly descended, previously priced zongzi gift box also gradually dwindled down.

Taiyuan City, a few years ago, it joined the truffles, abalone, the price of Thai rice nearly one dumplings more than how many people remember, but this has become an go back to the past. Supermarkets in Beijing now, zongzi gift box is among the dozens of Yuan to 150 Yuan, can achieve more than 200 Yuan is not much. Pricey gift boxes for the mall to reach about five hundred or six hundred, thousands of Yuan of zongzi gift, most is in cat, Jingdong and other traces found on the electrical contractor.

Zongzi gift cards are increasingly rare in these areas.

And new in gift card sales instead, "holiday coupons", when and some civil servants, public institutions and State-owned enterprises staff when private chat, and they are so. At 58 city, we did not find old posts of the transfer and acquisition of zongzi coupon.

This is an online shopping and Internet "+" very popular era, this is a consumer promotion, the rise of mass consumption. In shopping malls and supermarkets, frozen vacuum packed for I don't know how long, machine assembly line out of the dumplings, apparently seeking personalized, quality and "mother's touch," young consumers increasingly unwilling to pay the Bill.

Larger brands who turned his gaze to the e-commerce platform. However, they are still firmly in the leading enterprises are suppressed. Early in 2009, wufangzhai began to do e-commerce, opened brand store on Taobao, and were also the first to open a group purchase hotline. In 2010, wufangzhai e-commerce sales reached 26 million Yuan, from 2009 225% 2011, annual sales of more than 30 million yuan in 2012, during the Dragon Boat Festival, electronic commerce volume exceeded 30 million yuan in 2013, during the Dragon Boat Festival, e-commerce transactions but also breaks the 50 million mark ... ... At present, wufangzhai cat's flagship store on the day sales, account for all zongzi category of 60%.

For the dumplings, Dragon Boat Festival continues to be its main selling gold, season too obviously, time is fleeting. In order to surprise in the packaging and taste, rice dumpling makers than innovation, to attract young consumers ' attention. This year, taking advantage of the occasion of the American team 3 fires a mess, wufangzhai also introduced the American team with inventive dumplings. Really really old is not far behind, a Chinoiserie set of novel packaging, identify it and wufangzhai instead, out of the traditional culture of the brand. Even foreign brands to be outdone, Starbucks ice star cast will attract curious fans.

Older stores and new electricity supplier

Every Tuesday and Friday, the courier will come to Nanjing for more than more than 30 communities around, for home users who send their community in Xian Tian Yuan ordered fresh and food. Before the Dragon Boat Festival, Xian Tian Yuan about 300 orders a day, all belong to the dumplings.

Guo Xiangyang is the founder of Xian Tian Yuan. This year the company, which only serves the surrounding facilities in Nanjing to be perfect community, and provided him with dumplings, from the area around the three dumplings: Milo zongzi, jiaxing, really really old, and long Suzhou Jean rice dumplings.

In Suzhou, the local, long Jean rice dumplings are also famous old store. North and South are different, zongzi is not just only appears during the Dragon Boat Festival, usually is a common breakfast food. Long Jane dumplings, in the eyes of the locals, is a real delicacy, especially egg dumplings, but signature products. Old Guo said, averaging six or seven bucks of zongzi, package and boiled hand every day, before the Dragon Boat Festival, people lining up in long queues to buy less this afternoon, zongzi selling everything. And the food, want to buy, can only go to the local stores. Although also some shopping before, but rarely.

Such local brands, or hidden, as well as taste and variety of dumplings around, are different. Earthquake far and pillow dumplings, living in huzhou. If you don't know, huzhou, the doublet in the deer and the cauldron for the trinket bag out of "sweet-free" rice dumpling do you remember? That is the famous dumpling. Pillow jiaxing dumplings, dumplings and package different is the elongated shape. Earthquake far with old local production has been scaled, but the channel was sold to local shops.

Such local foods and brands, whether from the channel and sales, could not be compared with the big brands. However, their visibility, and contains a great deal of opportunity, has not been completely excavated.

First thought they were new dealers. But this is not an easy task. "Almost all these time-honored does not have its own e-commerce channels. "Guo Xiangyang said. He talks about Jane dumplings under agreed to supply was spent a lot of effort. "Not pay special attention to their business channel". The old shop, no large-scale and fully mechanized operations, dumplings to go through manual packs, limited production, refrigeration, transport is a problem, so e-commerce platforms they are almost never considered before. If you expand the other channels, increase costs and manpower mean to these old stores, open branches, hold their traditional channels, ready to expand the business in an orderly manner, it seems safest for them. Guo Xiangyang finally carried out the "Government support" brand, which got the nod. In contrast, really really old and relatively much more open.

Excellent fresh tianyuan title is the health and safety of agricultural products, in product selection, choose products of geographical indication and the "old" processed foods. And channel coverage, focus on to the surrounding communities of Nanjing, and recommend to the user based on this product. At present, the scope of delivery has covered more than more than 30 community in Nanjing. It targeted to product selection and user area, maybe is one reason long Jane zongzi agreed to cooperate. "They store sale price to me of peace. "Guo Xiangyang emotion. But don't know how and business to "do business" veteran store products, have been welcomed by users.

Earthquake well with steamed rice dumpling production site photo:

White millet is constantly "trying" one earthquake far and pillow dumplings, she is looking for. And earthquakes far in cooperation with the first third-party provider. In her thought process, access to the production bases of such manufacturers, most sales are market-oriented, seldom come into contact with electrical contractor. "Let them accept and willing to try too hard. "She said. Wholesale markets, farmers ' markets, make money, hand delivery, such enterprises are most familiar with the transaction. This He Zhenyuan with the cooperation, "because we are also the depth of cooperation. Our sales, they can also spread the product information as soon as possible. " White millet said.

A founder of Liu Yong, Alibaba B2B team and serving East China regional market in 2014 founded after leaving office, is health, safety-oriented concept, to home and business users to provide kitchen ingredients, such as e-commerce. And a is not a nationwide e-commerce platform, which is currently the main push is Beijing and the cities of Hangzhou.

"Trying" is a call in the supply chain sector. They search around with local characteristics, from the production base, cheap and not well known ingredients suppliers, like "tongue on China" approach, but just ran into a shock away with these old brands of hearts.

Long Jane, earthquakes far with this old, the emphasis is on traditional crafts is not large-scale mechanized production, during the process of artificial system pyramid, also on various types of technology, therefore, output is limited. Therefore, it requires more brand and name recognition can be done, to put people and products to achieve a high degree of match. In this connection, Xian Tian Yuan and a more pointed in the promotion area, can also be used as a main product, and can better meet their needs. This kind of consumer feedback, and more accurately reflect a regional consumer product preferences. Elimination of local channels to bring them a single market reaction lag.

Moreover, these cooperation for local rice dumpling vendor, not only expands the channel and reduce the pressure of maintaining online channel. Before the Dragon Boat Festival, a rice dumpling orders reached 18,000, earthquake far into the sales peak.

But this is still not the local dumplings similar lasting way. E-commerce platform, the Dragon Boat Festival is a two months before they open the best of seasonal food, and in normal times, this route is closed. Moreover, they will adjust every year sales product strategy.

But in any case, for the old, and this is a new beginning.

Underground channel of dumplings

Derivative and "mother's touch," when another zongzi sales channels also quietly. For example, on the app and online shop selling "private kitchens" dumpling ". To a man, they play the "private kitchens" secret "," beautiful women hot Mama, my mother, my grandmother made "banner, with 2-10 Yuan price, sell everywhere.

Coincidentally, the street end of the lane stores and snack bars, small supermarkets and convenience stores, dumplings before the Festival has also become a frequent visitor to sales. About a dollar cheaper, slightly more expensive, 2-2. price of 5 Yuan, a different stuffing dumplings you can get. "Are their own family package by hand. "A farmer's market in Beijing, the wife of packaged food to the guests, so recommend. No trademark on the dumplings and a price tag in a heap on the side of the market.

We do not know the source of these dumplings with no logo and production date.

Secret zongzi underground channels, including those hidden deep in the peri-urban villages of unlicensed small workshops. Beijing evening news recently visited the "working" greenhouses, broken planks and filling, stuffing dug with bare hands, blisters or cloudy cast. In early June, Beijing Fengtai District, within the food and drug administration in a rented compound raided 3 dark dens of zongzi, seized the illegal production of the finished dumplings to 17,000.

In order to survive, rice dumpling-makers also have increased extension of the product, the development of more types of food. However, rice dumpling business is expanding into new way of seasonal food.

端午节,那些你不知道的粽子生意 - 端午节,粽子 - IT资讯




















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