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published in(发表于) 2016/8/4 8:08:32 Edit(编辑)
“$Literal“ treasured childhood videos “after 00“ think weird,

“$Literal“ treasured childhood videos “after 00“ think weird,(“80后”童年视为珍宝的录像带,被“00后”们认为不可思议,)



"$Literal" treasured childhood videos "after 00" believe incredible-videos, video-IT news

On August 4, not long ago, the information IT reported global last VCR production line stopped running news, this seems to imply that generation were one big "childhood memories" officially ended. However after in childhood to renew those digital products come from the stage of history, when envy was born in the age of the Internet "after 00" from an early age can easily get the information they want, and when the 00 their old videotapes, video discs this product will react? At present, the Fine Brothers abroad to launch the latest edition of the Kids React, the production team to a group of 7-13-year-olds shows those old videos and DVDs, and former United States citizens in the Blockbuster video rental store renting videos of the company image, we know that at that time to watch videos in addition to the purchase, leasing is a very popular way.

On the show, when the children saw these videos, as well as in the past, when leasing procedures related to these videos, expressed surprise, many children said they had never heard of the video store, especially for the lessee does not return the video to pay late fees on time mode is incomprehensible.

"Really incredible the past", "people used to rent the tapes in the past, but now it is believed that using a mobile phone and computer is normal", says some of the children.

Video: click here to watch

“80后”童年视为珍宝的录像带,被“00后”们认为不可思议 - 录像带,影碟 - IT资讯

8月4日消息,不久前,IT资讯曾报道全球最后一条录像机生产线停止运行的消息,这似乎意味着80后们的一大“童年记忆”正式落幕。然而在80后们感怀童年时候的那些数码产品渐渐退出历史舞台的时候,也会羡慕生在互联网时代的“00后”们从小就能轻松获取他们想要的信息资源,而当00后们面对旧时代的录像带、影碟这样的产品时会是什么反应呢?目前,国外Fine Brothers推出最新一期《Kids React》中,制作团队对向一群7-13岁的孩子展示了那些古老的录像带和影碟,还有昔日美国民众在Blockbuster录像租赁公司门店租赁录像带的景象,我们知道,那时候想要观看录像带,除了购买,租赁也是非常风靡的方式。




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