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归海一刀 published in(发表于) 2014/2/1 0:59:57 Edit(编辑)
Google: Motorola sells modular mobile phones to stay,

Google: Motorola sells modular mobile phones to stay,(谷歌:摩托罗拉能卖,模块化手机要留下,)

Google: Motorola sells modular mobile phones behind Motorola, Google-IT information Google: Motorola sells modular phone to stay

Google to sell Motorola, but not all of them. In addition to most of the patents are still in hand , now officially confirmed that Google have modular mobile phone project Ara continues to control.

Announced as early as October last year, Motorola is working on a special collection for the Project Ara modular phone that can be freely combined . Motorola has said Ara mobile phone prototype in early December had been "very close" to completion.

It is understood that after the sale of Motorola's mobile phone business, a modular mobile phone project Ara will be integrated into Google's Android team, team of almost 100 people to move from Sunnyvale to mountain view.

Google got rid of Motorola mobility this burden, Ara projects are expected to benefit from Google's rich resources and strong support for accelerating, perhaps soon after this can be assembled like blocks, modular mobile phone will appear in people's vision.


谷歌:摩托罗拉能卖,模块化手机要留下 - 摩托罗拉,谷歌 - IT资讯


早在去年十月摩托罗拉就宣布正在研发一款名为Project Ara的可自由组合的模块化手机。12月初摩托罗拉曾表示Ara手机的原型机已经“很接近”完成。




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