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delv published in(发表于) 2013/12/30 5:06:07 Edit(编辑)
Father of Linux: celebrates her 44 year old birthday

Father of Linux: celebrates her 44 year old birthday(Linux之父:喜迎自己44岁生日,)

Father of Linux: celebrating his 44 birthday-Linux, open source-IT news Father of Linux: celebrating his 44 birthday

44 years ago, Finland's capital Helsinki, gave birth to one baby named Linus Torvalds, he compiled during the first open source systems: Linux, creating a new chapter in Linux, he is also known as the father of Linux, recently welcomed its 44th birthday.

Of Linus Torvalds was born on December 28, 1969, and is now a senior software engineer, represented as a Linux kernel, open source, widely known. At the same time he also developed a popular Git so far Terminal, used to control the system and user interface features.

In 2012, the Finland Institute of technology for Mr Torvalds Millennium technology prize, open source was created to commemorate, in line with the POSIX standard, such great achievements of the Unix computer operating system.

Open source currently active on the desktop side, the server side of the Linux system, the SteamOS game console system, as well as on the Android mobile device, it can be said great achievements for fathers of Linux.

Finally, theinformation IT is also the father of open source: Linus Torvalds send belated birthday wishes as well as the 2014 season, hope that the Linux system to bring greater convenience to society.


Linux之父:喜迎自己44岁生日 - Linux,开源系统 - IT资讯

44年前的芬兰首都赫尔辛基,诞生了一位名为Linus Torvalds的婴儿,在他大学期间编译了首个开源系统:Linux,开创了Linux新篇章,他也被称为Linux之父,近期迎来其第44个生日。

出生于1969年12月28号的Linus Torvalds,现在已经是一名高级软件工程师,代表作为Linux内核,在开源系统界,家喻户晓。同时他也研发了至今流行的Git终端,用于控制系统和用户界面功能。



最后,IT资讯也为这位开源之父:Linus Torvalds送上迟到的生日祝福以及2014新年祝福,希望Linux系统为社会带来更佳的便利性。


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