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published in(发表于) 2016/6/9 5:40:04 Edit(编辑)
Bear children love to learn really to blame games? ,

Bear children love to learn really to blame games? ,(熊孩子不爱学习真的要怪罪游戏?,)



Bear children love to learn really to blame games? -Learning games-IT information

Many people see video games as a scourge, thinks many children make good grades, exam does not a good college game is to blame. The times recently published an article on the subtitle for the gender imbalance in higher education column of the looks and not so complex, also attributed to students are not learning the game's impact. According to a report recently published by the Institute for higher education policy, cooperation-boy playing online games 10 times as often as girls. The report's authors, also stressed that "gender differences in video game become the girl's performance advantages. "Although no necessary connection between the games and learning, but bad real data show: love to learn to love the game, certainly no good results.

In the United Kingdom, the gender gap in higher education is expanding, University of 6% higher in women than men, 94000 fewer men than women applying to College this year, and is the widest on record. Men are dropping more and more, and can complete a 2.1 degree and less. Among people aged 18 to 24 years old, more men than women registered as unemployed 70000 people. Why the gender gap so large? The Times article said, best explains in higher education, "Yang failure" reason is that male "effort too little" and "wastes too much time", especially on the virtual stuff.

As a kind of mass entertainment, electronic games are sometimes used by people with porn and crossword puzzles together, as representative of the solo and pointless pastime. Are not exposed to games at a young age of older people, the video game is a good use of the "target of all evil": it is the blame for the violence, malnutrition and educational failure. Since the birth of video games since the negative reports in the media about video games one after another. In 1981, the United Kingdom game George Foulkes, a Labour MP said "weakness of using tens of thousands of children, earning a blood-stained dirty money. "1982 United States Everett Koop, the Secretary of public health said young people's" physical and mental "are video games without any" substantive meaning "things have eroded.

Now 35 years later, electronic game suffered a lot of criticism and prejudice still exists. Any gamer knows, video games are the perfect combination of art and technology, and improved responsiveness and the role of brain. But there are still some video games have great doubts, but this does not include the scientific community. In March this year Colombia University's Mailman School of public health published a paper saying, often playing video games and enhance the child's intellectual level and comprehensive schools have some relationship. The researchers also found that playing games helps reduce relationship problems between the children.

Of course, parents should also concern children's entertainment habits, cannot let kids play games too much. Child's hobbies, parents should be concerned about, such as child I built a new building in the world, or in the catcher in the vanguard of a new strategy. The Times article on the counterpoint to this is nothing more than "distractions will only distract people" sort of argument. This is so cliché.

Contradiction between learning and games, in fact, is a play on the nature and role of philosophical debate. Games are human preparatory activities into adulthood, when a person is mature, as Chase is no longer like a child. 600 BC, ancient Athenian law Hall of Anacharsis (Anacharsis) said: "first to play, and then you can get serious. "Great writer and theologian of the Chesterton goes even further, in 1908, he wrote in his book, All Things Considered," Earth is a task garden heaven is a playground game. "Those arguments that threats to children have a tremendous game, but some politicians and newspapers for blogging the eye tool or an excuse for shirking its responsibility.

熊孩子不爱学习真的要怪罪游戏? - 学习,游戏 - IT资讯



作为一种非群体性娱乐手段,电子游戏时常被人们与色情作品和填字游戏放在一起,作为独自享乐和无意义消遣的代表形式。对于没有在年轻时接触过游戏的老一辈人来说,电子游戏是一个很好用的“万恶之靶”:它是暴力、不良和教育失败的罪魁祸首。自从电子游戏诞生以来,各种媒体上有关于电子游戏的负面报道就层出不穷。1981年,英国工党议员George Foulkes称游戏机“利用了成千上万的孩子的弱点,赚着沾满鲜血的脏钱。”1982年美国公共卫生局局长Everett Koop说青少年的“身心”都被电子游戏这种没有任何“实质意义”的东西侵蚀了。



学习和游戏的矛盾,其实是一个关于玩游戏的本质和角色的哲学式争论。游戏是人类进入成年之前的预备活动,当一个人成熟之后,就不再像小时候一样追逐打闹了。公元前600年古雅典法学名人阿纳卡西斯(Anacharsis)说:“先玩耍,然后你才能变得严肃。”大作家兼神学家切斯特顿甚至更进一步,他在1908年其著作《All Things Considered》中写道,“人间是任务花园,天堂是游戏操场。”那些游戏对孩子教育产生巨大威胁的论调,只是一些政客和报纸为博人眼球的工具或推卸责任的借口罢了。

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