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published in(发表于) 2016/8/26 8:56:10 Edit(编辑)
Hangzhou endorsement, Jack Ma, Alibaba to G20 host, user: eat when you can rely on face......,

Hangzhou endorsement, Jack Ma, Alibaba to G20 host, user: eat when you can rely on face......,(阿里巴巴马云为G20主办地杭州代言,网友:明明可以靠脸吃饭……,)



Hangzhou endorsement, Jack Ma, Alibaba to G20 host, user: eat when you can rely on face ... ...-Alibaba, Jack Ma, G20-IT information

IT information news on August 26, 2016 the G20 Summit approaching, host city becomes the focus of attention of Hangzhou, Hangzhou City also enter the "G20", in addition to preparations for the Affairs of the Conference, Hangzhou also did not forget to promote itself. Currently, Alibaba's Jack Ma, Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Hangzhou speak of video on the Internet attracted widespread attention.

As one of the big three Chinese Internet companies, Alibaba's headquarters is located in Hangzhou, and as co-founder of the company, he served as spokesman of the Hangzhou well deserved.

Ma said in the video, Hangzhou is a historic city, is a blend of East and West of the city. "I think the world has high expectations for the G20 Summit, especially for today's global economy, many people do not approve of globalization, and I think that is a great thing for the world of globalization, the only question is how to promote globalization. ”

Ma served as the city's premier spokesman, many netizens joked, saying "(Hangzhou) when you can rely on face of it, walks on the strength. ”

Video: (IT News Mobile client users who cannot view the video, please click here to view )

阿里巴巴马云为G20主办地杭州代言,网友:明明可以靠脸吃饭…… - 阿里巴巴,马云,G20 - IT资讯

IT资讯讯 8月26日消息,2016年G20峰会临近,主办城市杭州成为外界关注的焦点,而杭州全市也进入“G20模式”,除了筹备会议各项事务外,杭州也不忘宣传自己。目前,一段阿里巴巴董事局主席马云为杭州代言的视频在网上受到广泛关注。





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