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aaa published in(发表于) 2014/8/24 8:17:24 Edit(编辑)
Girl generation must save the Galaxy,

Girl generation must save the Galaxy,

Life must save the Galaxy on the girl-woman man, woman, girls life must save the Galaxy-IT information
Girl generation must save the Galaxy

Recently, the Beijing Subway Line 10 subway, a couple at odds, she was forcibly dragged her boyfriend into the underground, trapped in the subway doors that had been closed. Has happened with these users and first issued on Twitter.

Woman looks pretty, it is unusually large, drags her boyfriend of more than 10 meters long ... Too terrible ... In the process of being towed, the man shouted: "I want to play, what's up, what's up, I'll play for a while ..."

Passing pedestrians, passenger carriages were all shocked, crying children risk being scared.

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